View Full Version : Anyone else just worry they are dying :-(

24-05-23, 11:39
I've got a tooth infection but I won't take antibiotics because of anxiety. The infection is stable, has been for months. I have to see the dentist.

I have no energy to do these things. I'm in the middle of a lot of busy stuff, it's just not a good time and no energy.

I looked at my eyes yesterday, under the lids, they are pink rather than red, I think maybe I'm anaemic. Then I worry why. I eat lots of fish and dark chocolate, that's got iron in it, so I'm not absorbing it.

too anxious to see the doctor about it at the moment.

I've just got over a bad skin infection which I did see the doctor for, but I have a fungal infection on my leg that responds to comitrazole, but I'm too exhausted to put it on 3 times a day so I'm not helping the situation.

I have no one that supports me. Two main people in my life but they just take. I told one of them I need support and they said you just have to go to the doctor how do you expect anyone else to support you.

This is all a bit negative. Worried about the tooth infection as it's in the gum.

If I could just boost myself up a bit and get my confidence back, then I wouldn't worry that I'm really ill and then I'd get to the doctor. I'm going to take multivitamins and iron today, eat well, rest and if I feel better tomorrow that may be enough to stop this anxiety.

Thanks for reading. Has anyone else felt like this? :weep:

24-05-23, 12:52
I’m so sorry you’re feeling this way. Anxiety can really take it out of you. I does often help me to get up and out of the house and moving with some kind of plan. I think your plan for multivitamins and healthy food is a good one. Maybe make a list of the things you need to tackle - apply the cream, call the doctor, etc. and just try to focus on one thing at time.

24-05-23, 13:06
I’m so sorry you’re feeling this way. Anxiety can really take it out of you. I does often help me to get up and out of the house and moving with some kind of plan. I think your plan for multivitamins and healthy food is a good one. Maybe make a list of the things you need to tackle - apply the cream, call the doctor, etc. and just try to focus on one thing at time.

Thanks. I am going to attempt things one by one. :-)

24-05-23, 13:52
Rosanna, I had a tooth infection last year. I wouldn't go to the dentist but ended up going. They only offered me antibiotics which I wouldn't take. In the the meantime they made an appointment to take it out along with another two for 3 weeks later. Obviously I was not au fait with the idea. Well, the infection healed, I didn't go back to the dentist and I kept my 3 teeth which I'm very grateful for.
I'm not saying don't go to the dentist, but there is a possibility it will heal without doing that. x

24-05-23, 14:00
Rosanna, I had a tooth infection last year. I wouldn't go to the dentist but ended up going. They only offered me antibiotics which I wouldn't take. In the the meantime they made an appointment to take it out along with another two for 3 weeks later. Obviously I was not au fait with the idea. Well, the infection healed, I didn't go back to the dentist and I kept my 3 teeth which I'm very grateful for.
I'm not saying don't go to the dentist, but there is a possibility it will heal without doing that. x

Thanks Carnation

It was healing and then there was a lot of stress again, stuff going on and a stressed out friend, and the infection started coming back then.

I've taken high dose vitamin C, selenium, echinacea, folic acid (I was borderline low on that the last time I checked with the doctor, they told me just to supplement), and just hope I feel a bit better. If I do my anxiety will lessen as I will think it's not so serious then. Then I feel able to go get checked out, it's when I'm worried about things being really awful that I struggle to go and get checked out.

24-05-23, 20:50
Your "friends" are takers and users... unfortunately they are sapping you of your energy - of which you have very little to give. You need this vital energy to heal. My advice is to reduce the contact with the energy zapping friends. You deserve so much better. You sound like such a lovely person. It also sounds like you have fatigue? Maybe even chronic fatigue? there are lots of reasons for this, iron deficiency, adrenal fatigue,thyroid. Diet is very important - adding good proteins regularly and gentle exercise, spend time outdoors and do nourishing activities such as grounding. But really.. the most important thing is to try and reduce those parasite friends leaching off you. With regards to your tooth, you could try garlic around the infected tooth, swishing and gargling with salt water, and generally giving it a rest and not biting down on it.