View Full Version : Is our breathing patterns the main culprit in making us feel bad?

25-05-23, 19:13
I'm wondering, and also coming to the conclusion the main culprit in anxiety/panic attacks and making us feel bad could be in the breathing unnatural pattern we start doing when we get anxious etc. I noticed last weekend I woke up feeling a little anxious had no idea why, went out to enjoy the sunshine and as soon as I left my house I was starting to feel worse and shortly afterwards I noticed I was breathing (unaware) like a complete idiot, breathing deeply and holding my breathe for longer than usual, I'm pretty sure these pattern start tricking your brain that something might be wrong and cause hyperventilation and panic attacks etc?

08-06-23, 12:24

If you're a mouth breather, for example, this can cause stress.

That said, stress can cause poor breathing patterns and habits.

Focusing on breathing can be stressful.

Best to find ways to relax.

The reality is, for many people here, we are wired to be anxious. It's about accepting this and finding ways to build healthy habits, both physically and mentally.

08-06-23, 22:30
I've thought about this often. I am a mouth breather and wondered if that was related too.

I find myself shallow breathing a lot, even when not anxious.