View Full Version : Lump in upper thigh

26-05-23, 16:49
Hi fellow HAers

I've (31M) recently come out of a bad HA spiral at the end of last year after the birth of my daughter (talk about bad timing) and currently in the process of moving house so plenty to stress about.

The other week I noticed a smallish (maybe 2-3cm) lump somewhat deep in the back of my thigh, just under the buttock. I was able to disregard it as normal at the time but have just noticed it again tonight and it has sent me into a bit of a panic as it feels quite firm and immobile, and is in an area somewhat close to the bone.

It's deep enough to not really be visible unless I contort myself and tighten the skin over the area.

Just wanted to know if anyone else had experienced anything similar to hopefully get some reassurance?

26-05-23, 17:13
You've found a lump, so it couldn't hurt to get it checked out by a doctor, as it's pretty much impossible for us to say what it is. That being said, it's unlikely to be anything serious. Possibly a cyst or a lipoma, maybe even an inflamed follicle.

28-05-23, 02:33
Thanks SE, like the sig btw.

Just worried as seen people on this forum worrying that immovable lumps are bad (having said that a number of them have recent posts and seem to be fine so that's good).

Don't think it's a follicle as it is under the skin and actually can't be seen, have to dig in a bit to feel it. Can lipomas be firm?

My mom reckons she had something similar at my age which ended up being some calcification from a bump she'd had at some point. Crossing my fingers it's just that.

02-06-23, 06:11
If anyone comes across this thread - got an ultrasound and it was a lipoma. No biggie.