View Full Version : Terrified this is my life forever - Double ear infection , tonsillitis and tinnitus

27-05-23, 14:05
2 weeks ago to the day I’d been battling a very painful sore throat - thought nothing of it and was managing it with paracetamol and anti biotics however the same evening my ear suddenly began to hurt and felt as thought it was filling up.

I waited it out for a few days, not much pain only when burping or straining just felt completely blocked, muffled hearing and some tinnitus.
The tinnitus sent me into a Frenzy from which I can’t escape, I haven’t slept properly since then.

Last week I phoned the drs and was refused a face to face appointment and just fobbed off with otomize ear spray - didn’t do much.
Tried again on Thursday to get an appointment face to face and was given antibiotics over the phone, dr refused to see me.
By then my throat pain had come back with a vengeance and the tinnitus in my blocked left ear was unbearable - after going up to the Drs to try and get someone to have a look, police was called on me for demanding an appointment with a GP, so went straight to A&E to get it checked out.
Dr took a look at my throat and ears, tonsillitis like I suspected due to the white spots I could see, and was told I have an infection in my left ear and was given antibiotics and was told I would feel better in a few days.
Since taking the antibiotics my left ear is still blocked and still ringing with tinnitus but my right ear is now aching and become blocked up - I’m absolute terrified of having the ringing in my right ear as well as the left. I haven’t even had any pain in my ears until after I started taking the meds that the hospital gave me on Thursday, now I am in agony in both ears and the ringing is still there, i really can’t sleep and have been suffering with several panic attacks a day and relying currently on diazepam to keep me on a sane level. My mental health is deteriorating and I really don’t want to live with this forever.
I currently can’t see my GP as I don’t have a drs surgery anymore since Thursdays situation and feel like there is no where I can get any answers? What is happening to me? I can’t stop crying please can someone in this forum help me with a little reassurance I’m so so scared and depressed at the moment please help me

27-05-23, 16:22
Nevernotworried, I can't diagnose you, obviously but I have a similar situation going on myself.
I suffer with hay-fever which seemed to turn into some sort of sinus situation. My left ear became blocked, then for a short while, both ears and now I have my right ear blocked. I've got permanent ringing in the ear, and a feeling like I've just been to see a very loud band. It's uncomfortable, no pain and the situation has been going on for some time. I didn't bother contacting my doctor before because face to face appointments just don't exist anymore. And like yourself it has affected my anxiety levels. Generally I feel ok in myself but for the ear situation. I might seek a ear specialist if it continues but for the time being I'm putting up with it in the hope it will clear itself. It's strange but I know several people with the exact same thing.

27-05-23, 17:28
Nevernotworried, I can't diagnose you, obviously but I have a similar situation going on myself.
I suffer with hay-fever which seemed to turn into some sort of sinus situation. My left ear became blocked, then for a short while, both ears and now I have my right ear blocked. I've got permanent ringing in the ear, and a feeling like I've just been to see a very loud band. It's uncomfortable, no pain and the situation has been going on for some time. I didn't bother contacting my doctor before because face to face appointments just don't exist anymore. And like yourself it has affected my anxiety levels. Generally I feel ok in myself but for the ear situation. I might seek a ear specialist if it continues but for the time being I'm putting up with it in the hope it will clear itself. It's strange but I know several people with the exact same thing.

Thanks for your reply , it’s comforting to know that I’m not in the boat on my own - I suffer from hayfever and also my sinuses terribly, every time I get a cold my sinuses swell and for the next two weeks when I move my head I can feel it in my teeth, horrible experience, I’m much more of a winter person than the summer, it’s horrid for me. Hope your situation as well as my own comes to an end shortly!

27-05-23, 17:41
The sounds with a blocked ear, sounds weird when I eat anything, especially crunchy stuff. I can hear crackling when I move my head, my heart beating, its awful. So I feel for you.