View Full Version : 3 months postpartum - hard irregular breast lump

29-05-23, 21:16
Hi everyone,

I’m currently 3 months postpartum. At the 6 week mark I noticed a hard breast lump in my left breast that’s kind of diagonal - it starts at the sternum and goes into the edge of my left breast. It is very movable and oval shaped. However, sometimes I feel like the shape is irregular depending upon which position I’m in. I spoke to my doc on the phone at the 6 week mark and she said to massage and pump as it could be a clogged duct. She advised that if it didn’t clear up after my next cycle to come and get checked. Well, I just had my second post partum period and the lump hasn’t gone. It’s still there. Sometimes it feels hard especially when I’m standing. However when I dig deep and bend down it feels softer. I don’t know what the right way to check is 🤷*♀️

I have an appointment with her for this Thursday. I’m quite worried and haven’t really been able to concentrate on anything much since making the appointment. I was really really hoping it would go away by itself. It’s scary because it feels irregular, gets hard and it almost feels like it has a loooong spike extending from it to my sternum. I don’t know if that’s just a tendon. But I’m just freaked oit

30-05-23, 03:08
My breasts have tons of weird lumps all over them since having my daughter 9 years ago. They feel crazy! I had my first mammogram recently when I turned 40 and everything was totally normal. I just have some fibrocystic stuff that makes them lumpy. Your breasts are still producing milk so they’ll feel even crazier. It’s always good to get things checked out, but under the circumstances I wouldn’t be worried about something nefarious! Good luck with the appointment!

30-05-23, 15:02
Thank you for replying. Mine is a bit worrisome as it’s a more defined lump and can feel hard at times.

If the lump feels softer when bending does that mean it’s actually soft or would this method be inaccurate?

05-06-23, 21:28
Update: doc said my breasts had rope like feeing to them which aligns with fibrocystic breasts. She said the lump feels very benign and in her words “the chances of breast cancer are very very low”. She still gave me ultrasound requisition as she said “any lump should be checked”. She described the lump as “well defined, mobile and somewhat hard”.

I’m still panicking and worried sick to my stomach about the ultrasound. Can doctors tell by touch?

05-06-23, 23:31
Doctors are schooled to know what to look for and have felt more breasts than Casanova. This is CYA (cover your arse) medicine and you know it ;)


08-06-23, 00:44
I agree with fishman. She is sending to be extra careful, but that’s exactly what my fibrocystic beasts feel like. A few months ago I mentioned to my doctor that my nipples suddenly seemed to be totally different heights. So did a thorough breast exam, didn’t feel anything, but still sent me for a totally comprehensive mammogram and ultrasound. All was perfectly healthy!

It’ll be good to get the ultrasound because then you’ll know what’s normal and won’t have to worry. Your breasts change after having babies, which is disconcerting, so this should be a nice reassurance that your new normal is in fact normal.

09-06-23, 04:48
I agree with fishman. She is sending to be extra careful, but that’s exactly what my fibrocystic beasts feel like. A few months ago I mentioned to my doctor that my nipples suddenly seemed to be totally different heights. So did a thorough breast exam, didn’t feel anything, but still sent me for a totally comprehensive mammogram and ultrasound. All was perfectly healthy!

It’ll be good to get the ultrasound because then you’ll know what’s normal and won’t have to worry. Your breasts change after having babies, which is disconcerting, so this should be a nice reassurance that your new normal is in fact normal.

Thank you! I really hope so 💜

09-06-23, 04:51
I still have two more weeks of wait til the ultrasound. Until then I have noticed that once I have breastfed my baby and if I lie down and try to feel the lump it almost disappears into a small little thing. However, while standing and sitting I can still feel it. I’m not sure if it’s smaller though. I know that when it first showed up it was very very prominent while lying down. It has definitely gotten less prominent while lying down now to the point where I have to find it. Could it just be growing in deeper? Or is it actually getting smaller? It’s weird because the size feels the same when standing or sitting. Sorry for the shmeel, I’m nervous while waiting for appointment