View Full Version : REAL things that work for HA- HELP!

30-05-23, 17:44
Hi guys-
I need some help that works! As you see in my username- I started w HA when I was 32 years old after a tragic and traumatic loss of a baby (I know I have trauma here but can't seem to get past it maybe??). This is ruining my life and robbing me of my happiness.

I have my moments where HA is not as "loud" and others where it is so loud I can't hardly function. However- it always lives here no matter what and holy crap if ANY physical sensation (something as simple as a bug bite) gets my attention....here we go! I have literally tried everything and thrown SO much money at this! I have done CBT, talk therapy, hypnosis, meditation, CBD oil, THC oil (this works for a short time and takes the edge off), Neuro feedback machines, medication (wellbutruin) all hormone and medical testing thinking maybe it was medical (thyroid etc.) since this has been so persistent- nothing works! I do feel this is worse around ovulation and my period but it still lives here. I do have Hashimoto thyroid and I know anxiety is related to this but my medication is optimal and I eat cleaner than anyone I know (almost to a point of being obsessive over it).

I do not have physical anxiety for the most part in terms of "panic attacks" but I am sure the stress causes some bodily sensations- my HA is primarily mental looping thoughts that DO NOT SHUT UP. The only way I can describe this is it is like a song that gets stuck in my mind and NEVER stops until one day- it vanishes as quickly as it came on. In the throws of my issues- I get SO focused on a symptom and the thought about checking it does not stop. I have been told I have OCD because I can NOT stop body checking. I have tried the CBD strategies of checking only at certain times etc. none of that worked for me! I can't not do it once the thought comes into my head. The more I try to make myself not think about XX symptom, the stronger the urge and thoughts get. The more I pray (I have been told to pray- HA that does not work!!!) the louder the thought. The more I try to distract myself- the louder it gets and more persistent. It is like I have this monster in me controlling my brain!!

I have seen SO many doctors and counselors and tried so many things- nothing helps and a 1 hour therapy session is not enough to fix me. I found this course online but wanted to see if any of you have taken this. It Is 349 US dollars and frankly, I am sick of paying money on things that do not help.


The course here on this forum was helpful in that it did help me to see the physical symptoms I have sometimes were because of the anxiety- but I have graduated to physical symptoms that have nothing at all to do w HA (like lines in my fingernails that in my mind are melanoma) and I have also graduated to worrying that the simplest of things (like a fever w my child) w my loved ones are a death sentence. My head typically goes to cancer- but even when it does not- it ALWAYS goes to worse case scenario. Help! I need something that will actually work for me! Please....... ANY AND ALL TIPS WELCOMED

02-06-23, 02:28
128 views and 0 suggestions- does this mean we are doomed to live with this monster forever and nothing works????

02-06-23, 04:45
It means that the forums are a bit quiet at the moment, is all.

HA isn't a monster, it's just a bunch of faulty thought patterns, and the good thing about it is that if you're determined, you can bring these down to manageable levels most of the time.

For me, it's all about acceptance and dismissal:
"I feel x, clearly it's cancer."
"That's incredibly unlikely, back to what we were doing."

Sometimes I have to do this literally every ten seconds or so; when it's bad, it can take multiple rounds of this to pull me off Google but I get there in the end. It takes a lot of bloody-mindedness and a daily antidepressant dose, but it helps me live a life that isn't governed by fear.

You're not a victim, you just have wonky thoughts.

02-06-23, 14:13
I'm sorry you're struggling so much! It's a terrible thing. I would consider trying a different medication. I've never taken Wellbutrin, but my husband was prescribed it for depression and within two days had his first panic attack ever. I've heard it may not be the optimal drug for anxiety for some reason. This could be something to discuss with your doctor. My doctor just prescribed me Lexapro. I haven't started it yet, but I have a lot of friends who have done well on it.

02-06-23, 21:50
Hey, apologies I've come to this a bit late. Sounds like you're really frustrated with the HA. And I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your baby, and unsurprised in a way your mind is working this way after that kind of trauma. I can only share what was helpful in my own HA/OCD experience: fighting against it is pointless because an internal civil war is both exhausting and unending. Accepting that this is the way your mind works under stress and not paying too much attention to it (as BI suggests) is much more sustainable. Self kindness and tending to your own damaged (mentally/emotionally not physically) parts may well be a better approach than medication alone. Really look after yourself. And check back in with us - there is always support here.

02-06-23, 23:11
This video on YouTube really helped me:


It's a bit long but I found it really helped and taught me some good techniques to calm my brain.

03-06-23, 00:45
The answers are as different as the people suffering. Everyone is unique and what works for one person, may not for another. It still comes down to real life things like therapy, medication, and self help. Find the things that work for you. It may take many trials and changes but persistence is the key. My daughter is a sufferer and has been through many med changes, dosage changes, med combos, therapy and such and has adopted certain other techniques (she's been doing and teaching Reiki healing and it's really helped her). Also, a healthy physical lifestyle as in good diet and exercise does wonders for your mental health. There are many resources here on the site you can look into as well. Most of all, its a dogged pursuit of healing that can make or break it. Can you ever truly be rid of the dragon? I don't really know but I do know you can tame him.


06-06-23, 21:59
I can second this, it’s brilliant! I need to watch it again actually as it’s been a while since I last saw it.

This video on YouTube really helped me:


It's a bit long but I found it really helped and taught me some good techniques to calm my brain.

08-06-23, 21:38
THANK YOU!! This is probably one of the most helpful things I have seen in quite some time! I am trying to follow some of these suggestions.