View Full Version : Gunfire outside

01-06-23, 00:43
Another ruckus outside just now; I was woken by gunshots just outside the window and there's no pretending it was fireworks this time. Lots of motorcycle noise that's still going on and I'm jumping at every tiny sound now. Frightened and a bit tearful, and I don't feel that this is irrational.

01-06-23, 01:44
Not irrational at all, Blue. Gunfire is scary even if you aren't the intended target. And you should have the right to feel safe in your own home.

I don't really have any great words of wisdom, but I do empathize completely. :hugs:

01-06-23, 05:21
Thank you, Poppy, it helps to hear.

01-06-23, 06:31
I hope you got some rest Blue, it must have been absolutely terrifying and I think your reaction is totally natural in the circumstances.

01-06-23, 06:55
Good grief Blue, that’s awful and certainly not irrational at all. I’m hoping it has all stopped now? Did the police attend? Thinking of you xx

01-06-23, 07:08
Thanks all. It stopped around 1am; I didn't see any blue lights so I'm not sure what happened. On average we get this sort of thing about once a year, I'm usually in bed but my husband's up and I always secretly worry when he goes to look out the window.

01-06-23, 07:20
...Apparently there's police tape at the end of the road, so they must have been there while I was asleep.

01-06-23, 09:41
It's awful when something like that happens, glad you are ok.

01-06-23, 09:45
Thanks, Carnation. Unfortunately I'm in work on my own today because it's half term, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't on edge.

02-06-23, 09:41
You know the law of probability is you are more safe after such an event. Bear that in mind. :hugs:

02-06-23, 09:56
I know. In the end I couldn't handle being in work yesterday - the place was deserted and while I wasn't panicky, I was too on edge to concentrate. Had a word with my boss and I'm working from home until Monday.

Turned out that it was a couple of idiots shooting randomly; honestly, I kind of wish it had been a grudge and they were aiming for somebody because that's less frightening than worrying about being arbitrarily caught in it.

02-06-23, 10:39
I get that. It's the thoughts of just being a passer-by.
And its confidence and time that will ease those thoughts, as long as you don't let the memory haunt. It's been and gone and you mustn't let it affect your living. Eckhart Tolle is very good to listen to and many of his videos speak about past events that can affect your present thoughts.
Use your home time working to calm your mind and focus on the now. Let the feelings come, then release. Don't let the fear haunt you. :hugs:

02-06-23, 11:02
Thanks, Carnation. Not feeling too bad today, luckily. How are you?

02-06-23, 11:44
I'm not too bad. Blocked sinuses and deaf in one ear which is a bit of a nuisance.
Pleased you feel a little more settled.

02-06-23, 12:05
You know the law of probability is you are more safe after such an event. Bear that in mind. :hugs:

Never a truer word Mrs.C

As long as you don’t hang onto it.. easy for me to say I know…but if you let it go it will recede further and further back in your memory. Life will again take over. All you need is time and our remarkable minds do the rest.