View Full Version : White flakes in urine???

chatty girl
01-06-23, 19:36
Sorry for posting again 😭 since all this UTI stuff has been going on with me red/white blood cells in urine but no bacteria I've been doing urine samples regular for the doctor, I've noticed white flakes in my urine no matter if I'm hydrated abd drunk loads or not. Its hard to explain its like flakes of tissue or skin even very small but lots. I've mentioned it to the doc who didn't seem to answer. I don't know if I've always had this or if it's to do with whatever is going on, I'm convinced I have cancer of some form.

Currently sat crying on the sofa again. Does anyone else have or had this white stuff?

05-06-23, 14:23
For me there is usually some bits of the normal vaginal discharge in my urine sample. White-ish stringy bits.

25-06-23, 08:53
I had to collect some recently, and it had white flakes that was definitely tissue. So it could be tissue

25-06-23, 12:48
A water infection, perhaps?