View Full Version : Does anyone else get this

02-06-23, 15:41
Hi, I’ve had a pain in my leg for about 4 weeks, I say pain it just doesn’t feel right and it was kinda just bothering me, I went doctors because I’m high risk for clots so I thought (c section 5 weeks ago, premature labour, etc) and they didn’t measure it didn’t do anything just said they think it’s nerve related because it doesn’t stay in one spot, it’s not red usual symptoms, I was okay with this because I’ve been checked out by midwives who also didn’t seem concerned, I am quite a small girl so I think anything would be quite obvious in my leg but then I googled that some people don’t get symptoms or only a slight pain. It was ruining my life thinking this all the time so I decided instead of running demanding tests, I’d just accept it and see if it got worse. It hasn’t. So I’m telling myself now I can leave this fear behind maybe? But it’s like my brain fights if I forget it and it’s bad I’ll be the fool who didn’t demand tests. I don’t know what’s wrong with me and I hate living like this, it’s miserable, I used to be so happy before I worried about this, I’ve had severe anxiety and specifically health for such a long time now, I’ve had medication, therapy, I just can’t seem to let it go. I don’t know what I’m asking really. Just people get who get it, how do I completely let go of fearing something without having actual medical testing? They’ve give me dizapam which have actually helped so much and not focusing on the leg has made it so much better but how do I do this without medication?

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03-06-23, 07:14
Typically the clot pain would get worse and or really move around. It would also typically be red and swollen. I’m not going to say what you have isn’t or is a clot though.

A simple D-Dimer blood test or even an Ultrasound can rule it out. You’ve already brought up it to your healthcare providers though and they didn’t seem to concerned about. You can explain to them and be open to them about the worry it’s causing you.

Your hormones and everything are all out of wack post birth so I would suggest talking to them about that and getting something a little more suited for long term to take instead of Diazepam. Not saying your need something forever, but it may be worth a talk to see if it would help out.