View Full Version : general anxiety

17-02-05, 18:12
hi all
please could someone tell me if propanonol would help me with anxiety and panicing, i want something that wont cause me to panic worse and pref no side effects, i was thinking of asking the doc to put me on losest dose
thanks sue:D

17-02-05, 18:58
hi sue, ive tried quiet a few tablets, im on cypramil 20mg, i had no side effects luckily! still get panics, but i get through the day without fallin asleep [:X] good luck and hope to chat again soon xx

17-02-05, 20:32
im not sure you will get something that doesnt make the panic worse as some do for a while then settle down, but every one is different with side effects some suffer them some dont

fan x

17-02-05, 22:40
Hi Sue,
I take propanolol, and It has definately helped me. But I'm talking over a period of about 6 months now that I've been on them, so they've taken a while to kick in. I felt absolutely awful for the first few weeks, partly due to me panicking I was going to be allergic to them! (long story!) Made me very, very lethargic. Felt like crap. I'm fine on them now though.

I also take citalopram, been on that for 3 wks now, and I think it might be helping my anxiety a little already.
Out of the two, I had less side effects from citalopram. Just felt a bit sick after taking them. That lasted for a few days. I started on a low dose of 10mg.

The best advice I can give you is to talk to your doctor, as everyone reacts differently to different meds.
You will probably be a little more anxious whatever med you take to start with. I think most anxiety sufferers are! I definately was.

Good luck with it anyway, and if you can manage without meds, try it that way instead!


20-02-05, 13:31
i found that when i was put on them at my worst, they helped take the edge off my physical symptoms, but they dont stop panic attacks, mainly a rapid heartbeat, sweating, stuff like that