View Full Version : Vision Question - Split Second Flicker/Dimming in Peripheral Vision

04-06-23, 21:17
Hi - Has anyone experienced flickers (for lack of a better word) in their peripheral vision, like someone turned the light off and back on over your head, super fast, like a millisecond? Feels like I blinked but I know I didn't. It is super quick, like when a light bulb flickers off for a quick second. This has happened to me 4-5 times in the past six months. My vision doesn't go dark, it's more in my peripheral vision (both eyes), again it's a split second sensation. I've had three comprehensive eye exams (dilation, OCT, retina exam etc) with two different ophthalmologists/retina specialists, everything looks fine with my eyes from their perspective. I'm thinking about asking for a referral for a neuro-ophthalmologist or neurologist as I can't really find peace regarding this, not sure what additional tests they would perform. I did have a brain MRI six months ago which was normal.

I was browsing over on Reddit and read a number of people (on various boards) describing the same visual sensation but nobody had an explanation for it. Also, this thread describes the same visual sensation: https://www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=31&m=2655277


04-06-23, 23:35
I think I get what you're describing from time to time. I've never thought much of it. I also get floaters and those kind of sparkly/lustery spots sometimes. I had an eye exam recently and everything was normal. If you've had three eye exams and a brain MRI I can't imagine that there is anything wrong. Eye stff like this just tends to happen with age as far as I understand it.

04-06-23, 23:45
These are normal visual anomalies that most people, if they hyper-focus on it, will acknowledge and see as well. The anxiety ridden mind, despite being medically cleared, will consult Dr. Google or find a way to affirm their fears and spiral into the rabbit hole.


04-06-23, 23:52
ErinKC - thank you so much for replying! I also have floaters and occasional quick flashes when I blink (that is from vitreous gel "liquifying" with age, as it was explained to me by the ophthalmologist).

04-06-23, 23:54
Fishmanpa - thank you for replying, yes health anxiety was brought on by the many odd symptoms of perimenopause. Since this is a new symptom for me and since it is my vision, it does make my health anxiety worse.

05-06-23, 02:23
Fishmanpa - thank you for replying, yes health anxiety was brought on by the many odd symptoms of perimenopause. Since this is a new symptom for me and since it is my vision, it does make my health anxiety worse.

I totally understand this! I'm only 40 but I had a hysterectomy two years ago and think my ovaries are starting to give out. I've been having the oddest symptoms lately and just went for some hormone tests since I can't track my cycle. In the process I read a list of like 40 symptoms you can have with perimenopause. What a fun time!

05-06-23, 02:36
I totally understand this! I'm only 40 but I had a hysterectomy two years ago and think my ovaries are starting to give out. I've been having the oddest symptoms lately and just went for some hormone tests since I can't track my cycle. In the process I read a list of like 40 symptoms you can have with perimenopause. What a fun time!

Yep, perimenopause has been a rough ride! I never had health anxiety before peri started when I was about 40-41 (I am 48 now).

05-06-23, 05:29
my health anxiety ramped up since perimenopause too ( I'm 49 now). Our body throws so much weird stuff at us during that time and you can't help but think " is it just hormones or ?? ". I sometimes have weird peripheral vision stuff. I do have high eye pressure that's being monitored and part of that is a field test that checks peripheral vision.

05-06-23, 14:07
my health anxiety ramped up since perimenopause too ( I'm 49 now). Our body throws so much weird stuff at us during that time and you can't help but think " is it just hormones or ?? ". I sometimes have weird peripheral vision stuff. I do have high eye pressure that's being monitored and part of that is a field test that checks peripheral vision.

Yes, you are absolutely right, SO much weird stuff at this stage in life, it's been really hard keeping calm about it all. Glad you're managing your eye pressure. One of my best friends has had it since he was pretty young, for many years now, and he is managing it fine, with regular checkups and eye drops (which have given him the most gorgeous eyelashes :D).

05-06-23, 14:36
Yes everyone just talks about hot flushes and night sweats when it comes to menopause ( which funnily enough I don't get ). I'm glad my doctor is going through it as well so she's been great to chat to. You should be reassured there is nothing major going on if you've seen an opthalmologist. I see mine once a year and always feel better after getting the all clear again. My mum and brother have high intraocular pressure too so probably genetic. Apparently a lot of people have it and it never actually causes any damage, that's just their "normal" pressure. I'm not on any drops at this stage, just gets monitored and as long as nothing changes on the tests and the numbers stay stable it's all good.

05-06-23, 14:51
Yes everyone just talks about hot flushes and night sweats when it comes to menopause ( which funnily enough I don't get ). I'm glad my doctor is going through it as well so she's been great to chat to. You should be reassured there is nothing major going on if you've seen an opthalmologist. I see mine once a year and always feel better after getting the all clear again. My mum and brother have high intraocular pressure too so probably genetic. Apparently a lot of people have it and it never actually causes any damage, that's just their "normal" pressure. I'm not on any drops at this stage, just gets monitored and as long as nothing changes on the tests and the numbers stay stable it's all good.

I haven't had hot flashes either, but night sweats come and go randomly, for years now. Thank you for the reassurance! I had retinal tears in both eyes treated with laser 25 years ago and I have regular checkups every year, and never had any issues or symptoms. But the concern is always in the back on my mind, and as you said it's always good to get the all-clear at those checkups.