View Full Version : Worried sick about rash on legs

05-06-23, 17:27
I haven't posted much on this forum but have read it a great deal whenever I get a spike in my health anxiety. Last week, I visited a dermatologist because of a rash on the backs of both legs on my calf. He reassured me that it wasn't cancer (my biggest phobia) but didn't say what it was, just prescribed some hydrocortisone cream and asked me to come back in a fortnight's time. The rash isn't improving and I made the mistake of googling my symptoms and have scared myself stupid because I now think I have a rare complaint called Henoch Schonlein Purpura. I've tried to contact the dermatologist but he's not in the clinic on Mondays and although his PA says she's left him messages, I've heard nothing back from him and am freaking out. It turns out that HSP can affect the kidneys and I only have one as I donated the other to my daughter 25 years ago. I'm literally shaking with panic and would so welcome some support. Please help me - I live alone and my family are tired by my constant need for reassurance

05-06-23, 19:28
You've diagnosed yourself with something rare and unlikely to be the issue. You don't actually have a diagnosis of this rare condition - you've just gone online and then latched onto something that fits in with your worst fears. Having only one kidney, anything that poses a theoretical risk to that organ hits you harder and you then focus on it. With a mind that's prone to anxiety, it's easy to see how that could happen. It's far more likely to be something like heat rash or dry skin. The best thing you can do yourself is STOP GOOGLING and try to remind yourself that most rashes are not serious.

05-06-23, 19:44
Thank you, your message is very helpful. Going online was the stupidest thing I could have done. You'd have thought I would know better by now...

05-06-23, 19:50
The important thing to bear in mind is that you've essentially randomly picked a condition you saw online and are now focusing on it, which is making you miserable. My advice would be not to spend too much time looking at the rash, but at the same time treat it consistently based on the dermatological advice. Pay attention to what your dermatologist tells you - if you're told it's not serious, then it's NOT SERIOUS. Go with that. Dermatologists see rashes every single day so they know the difference between something nasty and something ordinary.

05-06-23, 20:49
I know it's stupid, but I am worried that he didn't actually say it wasn't anything serious, he merely reassured me that it wasn't cancer. If it was anything serious, do you think he would have said so? He talked about possibly doing a biopsy, which freaked me out as I associate that with something nasty. I'm just catastrophising, I think, but when my health anxiety has me in its claws, it sure as hell hangs on.