View Full Version : Ulcers, stress, or too much alcohol?

07-06-23, 00:02
Hello again folks!

Just wanted to say a huge thank you again to the kind people who replied to my other thread, very supportive, and I greatly appreciate knowing I'm not alone and can be supported in my HA journey. :)

Been a good last few months, and suddenly something hits again. Always the way, innit? :-/

A quick recap, I'm a 38 year old who's about 170cm tall weighing about 105kg. I'm aware I'm a good bit overweight, working on that with sensible calorie minding and manageable exercise and making metered progress.

I had a visit from my parents on the past weekend where they stayed with us for 3 days, they're not particularly stressful per se, and we had a good time. I'm technology-minded and the most stressful ask of me at these visits is them bringing new electronics for me to set up and troubleshoot. I *do* suffer from (diagnosed) mild autism and maintaining lots of sustained interpersonal contact, even with people I love and admire, is draining. We did eat tons of good food while they were here.

As somebody who didn't drink until age 34, my view of "heavy drinking" may be skewed, I only drink a few times per year since I began drinking occasionally at 34, that said, I did consume approximately 40% of a 750ml bottle of 30% ABV vodka over this past Friday night, and another 40% of same on Saturday night, no issues during Saturday.

About 2 to 3 times a year, and now is apparently that time of the year, I get a set of symptoms that seem to align with Dr. Google's set of symptoms for gastric ulcers, but these could also easily enough overlap with the IBS symptoms as detailed on the main NMP article for IBS. Started in earnest Sunday morning. This time around, the symptoms include occasional stomach grumbling and wind, not wanting to eat too terribly much (but I can eat plenty comfortably once I start eating), and nausea in the morning that usually clears by about 9AM or so, no vomiting at all, bowel movements are still normal, no blood coming from either end. Appetite issue didn't crop up until after my folks left on mid-Sunday.

Does this sound like just a combination of decompensating from stress from 3 days of "peopling," gastritis from the alcohol, or ulcers? My spouse who's a working, actively employed paramedic with clinical experience strongly suggests against the ulcers and is so adamant about it he'd rather me not get medical tests for them in fact.

Thank you in advance to all for your replies and support! :-)

07-06-23, 03:10
Sounds like mild reflux caused by stress and alcohol. I’d just eat a mild diet and maybe take an antacid!

07-06-23, 04:47
As another autistic person who doesn't drink much, I think Erin has it exactly right. Having people around all the time is incredibly draining on introvert batteries, it's not surprising you're feeling a bit off.

07-06-23, 23:18
Thanks you two, hope everything's good with ya lately! :emot-bounce: Doing a bit better today, not perfect, but making progress!

16-06-23, 15:35
hey ztiger

How are you feeling now? Ive had stomach problems for 3 weeks now, and of course HA is making me freak out.

20-06-23, 14:24

Sorry to hear! I'm still having nausea nearly on the daily, but it's mild and momentary, typically when I first wake (before food) and in the evening around dinner time (read: both common cases are around times I'd be hungry), the constant gut churn has gone away though. I suspect at this point that severe postnasal drip from a really bad allergy season is the likely cause in my case, been having significant sinus pressure and drainage for a few weeks now.

Hope you start to feel better soon!