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View Full Version : Waking every morning with anxiety’rush”

07-06-23, 08:37
Every single morning, as soon as I waken I get what feels like a nauseating surge or “rush” sensation in my body. . It only last for minutes but is really intense, and with it there is often what feels like a hot flush ( I am in my 70’s so not menopausal! ) I can’t find anything like it anywhere on the internet. And it distresses me a lot as it feels so physically wrong. Once I struggle into full wakefulness it goes away to be replaced with ‘normal’ feelings of anxiety. This waking feeling sometimes gets me down so much that I dread sleep …..I often have bouts of insomnia too. I don’t wish it on anyone but would feel less alone if anyone had ever experienced this. Thanks

07-06-23, 11:50
Sounds like an anxiety surge to me. Cortisol is at its peak in a morning to get the body ready for waking etc.

08-06-23, 05:57
I get the same anywhere from 4am onwards. I think when our nervous system is a bit switched on from anxiety it can over-react to that morning cortisol surge. It's not comfortable but it's also nothing to worry about physically.

08-06-23, 07:15
I’m having this every morning at the minute I’m struggling anyway with my anxiety but is definitely worse on waking

08-06-23, 22:34
Thank you all for replying and I am sorry that you are suffering this too, but glad that you could share. I don’t feel so bad knowing that I am not on my own with this symptom. It has been happening for years so I guess that I have been stressed for years!😬 I just lie and breathe deep and slow until it goes away( minutes really) but there is little hope of getting back to sleep. I have terrible insomnia anyway….. some nights literally no sleep at all. All in all, don’t like my bed much, which is kinda sad. 🙏 Thanks.

09-06-23, 16:15
I have been having this for the past 3 months or so. I have had it during previous bouts of anxiety too. I seem to feel ok for the first 30 secs, then it hits me like a sledgehammer. It is exhausting and depressing and is a sign that I am hitting rock bottom. The weather here is so nice I have been sitting in the garden as apparently sunshine can promote serotonin production which in turn may reduce insomnia and help relaxation. Maybe you might benefit from trying that if you can.
Good luck👍