View Full Version : Gallbladder cancer

07-06-23, 14:18
Next fear....gallbladder cancer. I feel like it doesn't end. I get over one fear and I'm on to the next.

My doctor sent me for a pelvic ultrasound and added abdomen because he usually automatically does both together. He called me with the results and told me all looks good except I have a gallstone and gallbladder wall thickening. He told me that this was an incidental finding, and if I have no symptoms, I can leave it alone. He told me not to worry. Well, I have been spiraling since, googling, and I came accross gallbladder wall thickening could be a sign of gallbladder cancer. I have had a discomfort for years in the gallbladder area, on and off, but my previous dr said I had gastritis and the previous ultrasounds back then were Normal. What if after all these years I developed gallbladder cancer? I'm so scared, all I do is cry all day. Would the ultrasound pick up cancer? My bloodwork was normal, including my liver function tests. Has anyone been through this?

07-06-23, 15:11
I think in this case the best thing to do would be to call your doctor back and ask him what he thinks. I genuinely don't think that you have cancer - if that were a concern your doctor absolutely would have mentioned it. But I think you're at the point where only him telling you why that incidental google is incorrect will allow you to move on. It's also possible that your past discomfort was due to gallstones, which unless they become incredibly painful I don't believe are much of an issue (at which point, the gallbladder is removed, which is a very basic procedure). But I do think your doctor needs to weigh in.

07-06-23, 15:23
Yes thank you, are are right, I will be talking to him about this , but in the meantime, I'm having a hard time coping. He told me that people can live with gallstones and as long as you are asymptomatic that's ok. Just not sure if they would have seen cancer on the ultrasound and bloodwork. The bloodwork was normal. The ultrasound, he told me notbto worry, but I didn't tell him at the time that I do occasionally get discomfort in that area. :(

07-06-23, 16:09
I really don't think you have cancer but I think you need to get some help with the HA or you will be like this forever.

Have you read the workshop/course that we recommend on here - it's in a sticky thread in this forum?

07-06-23, 16:14
I think when he asked about discomfort/pain he was probably trying to gauge if you had frequent gallstones and if they were disruptive enough to warrant intervention, but only he could really confirm that. I do believe that if they'd seen anything even remotely concerning on the ultrasound they would have investigated further.

I do agree that getting help for your anxiety will serve you greatly in the long term once this is sorted. As we all know, HA can be a revolving door.

07-06-23, 16:58
Thank you, I have not read the recommended workshop/ course, but will definitely look into that. My HA is out of control and every little thing scares me. I'm in CBT therapy right now, but I've only done 5 sessions and so far no help :(

07-06-23, 17:03
Poppy, I try to keep telling myself the ultrasound and bld work would have showed something. And I'm sure that he would investigate further if he felt it necessary, its just so hard to rationalize with myself right now. You are right , he is the only one that can reassure me, but it's almost like I'm afraid to talk to him again, I fear doctors and medical testing, so that is also a huge battle every time I call him