View Full Version : Sick all the time

Purple Blood
07-06-23, 14:48
I started working in a kindergarten a few months ago for the first time ever. Well, I've been on and off sick ever since. Every couple of weeks I get a cold/flu/whatever. And it's been really hard on me because of my health anxiety... I can't help but think that there's something seriously wrong with me, that's why I keep getting sick (one of my biggest fears is leukemia). I try to rationalize it saying that it's because of the kids but none of the other teachers are sick. Even my boyfriend asked if there's something more serious going on because I'm sick so often(big mistake on his part, he knows I struggle with health anxiety)
I've had blood tests done about a month ago and there was nothing wrong, but I'll do it again when I'm done with school.
It's just sucks because I was doing so well with my anxiety the last few years and now I feel it coming back.

07-06-23, 15:09
I've never really worked with kids, but I lived with a roommate for a year who was a preschool teacher. I'm not one who normally gets sick with anything aside from my migraines or occasional stomach upset from eating the wrong thing. But the year I lived with her I was sick all the time! I had bronchitis once, pneumonia once, and then just so many bouts of colds. It was wild! She's one to catch bugs more easily, and kids are little germ factories, so she was catching everything and bringing it back to me. I do think eventually you'll build up your immune system like the other teachers probably have, but it's certainly rough, I empathize!

07-06-23, 23:55
I have a 9 year old and she got sick 16 separate times this school year. Schools are the jungles of disease! If you’ve never worked with kids before you’ll be more susceptible than the other teachers who’ve been there longer. If you get sick and then recover you’re good. I worried about my daughter and the doctor said it’s no worry unless you’re getting secondary infections like pneumonia every time. It’s a bummer but you’ll get through it and then have great immunity like the other teachers!