View Full Version : So anxious and I'm losing my mind

08-06-23, 20:44
Hi there. I feel like I'm losing my mind. I had a blood test yesterday and waiting for the results is torture. I'm so anxious and tense. For a while I have been getting what feels like nerve pain in my chest near my collarbone as well other aches and pains in that area as well as in my neck and shoulders. Could anxiety really be causing it? I'm so worried I might have lymphoma, heart disease or MS. My mind is in turmoil and I can't stop googling which I know is making me feel worse. I'm so worried what my blood results are gonna say? I can barely function. I live alone with just my 9 year old son so everything is just going round and round in my head and I'm jumping from one fear to another and I can't relax. I'm 36 years old and never smoked. Any advice on how to relax? Could anxiety really cause all these symptoms? I also constantly clench and grind my teeth and I think my body must always be tense.

Please reply
Love Louise xxxxxxxxxx

08-06-23, 21:40
Hi Louise, in my experience anxiety, stress, panic can pretty much cause every and any symptom. A gp pointed out to me a few years ago I could likely have Somatisation disorder, which basically is your own mind creating the physical symptoms you experience. I'd never heard of it and actually it was after this I realised I had health anxiety, general anxiety etc.

I can 100% understand how you feel and would suggest trying to get out the house, go for a walk, coffee, Park etc. You likely won't want to but force yourself because you will feel a little better for it. Has your gp given you anything for the anxiety?

Also 100% never google, I always did and it never ever helps. Have you considered talking therapy or CBT? I was at rock bottom 6 weeks ago, I'm no where near where I'd like to be but I'm definitely a bit better. You'll get there, just stay off google and get out, keep busy. You'll get clear results and it will be over but the most important thing is not that, it's tackling the issue of the health anxiety so it doesn't keep coming back. Hope you feel better very soon..

08-06-23, 21:46
It certainly can �� please stop googling your caught in a vicious circle and we all know google feeds your fear…. Put a comedy on tv or phone a friend. I’ve been there many times and probably many more I’m sure your gonna be absolutely fine xxx

08-06-23, 21:47
Hi, thanks for replying. I'm just analysing every little thing. I've been prescribed propranolol but struggling to get the prescription so not started it yet. X