View Full Version : Ringing/buzzing in ears when quiet. Is this normal?

11-06-23, 19:07
I had a curious question for others here on this forum. For as long as I can remember I’ve always been able to hear a ringing/buzzing sound when it’s quiet. As a kid I always had a humidifier on at night to go to sleep because I couldn’t stand the sound of dead silence. And since I’ve started excessively worrying about my health these past few months are started to question if this is normal. I can’t hear it if there’s sound like watching tv or listening to music or even just working but the more I think about it the more I think I can hear it when there’s sound going on. The more I focus on it the louder it gets. My ears don’t feel clogged and I’ve never noticed it being loud to the point where I can’t hear other stuff. If I get focused off it I can’t hear it but if I think about it I can kinda hear it. I’ve wondered if this is possibly hearing loss but it doesn’t affect my ability to hear anything. It’s also worth noting that I’ve always kinda had bad hearing but never to where I can’t hear people speaking when on normal environments. I’m just curious if everyone else hears this sound when it’s quiet or if this is something like titnitus or hearing loss?

12-06-23, 08:58
Sounds like tinnitus. Lots of threads if you do a search on here.

12-06-23, 21:16
I have looked at a good amount of them and that’s what has made me question whether it is or not. I’ve seen plenty of threads of people arguing that this is normal when it’s quiet and it’s your brain making up for a lack of sound and that some people don’t notice it because they aren’t aware of it. The only reason I think it’s not tinnitus is that say for instance I am in a quiet room and some one were to drop something like a pin I could still hear it. Like it’s loud ringing when it’s quiet but it doesn’t stop me from hearing anything

12-06-23, 22:00
I have tinnitus. It's worse in quiet environments. It doesn't stop me hearing normal sounds.

13-06-23, 00:46
Yeah, sounds like tinnitus, which I would imagine everyone has some level of considering out loud world. I hardly ever notice mine except when it's completely silent. I also have to sleep with sound. I've had it to some extent for as long as I can remember.