View Full Version : Breast Biopsy

12-06-23, 02:29
Hi All,

Yesterday I went in for my annual mammogram and ultrasound check up. I'm 33, but have a strong history of Breast Cancer in my family (mom had it when she was 39, maternal aunt had it before 50, and paternal grandmother had it). Because of this, they started my screenings young. Thankfully, both my mom and aunt tested negative for the BRCA gene and, most importantly and thankfully, all three women in my family have survived.

I've assumed since I was a kid that I would get breast cancer; I was 9 when my mom was diagnosed, and I knew enough about cancer at that age to know that it was genetic, so I kind of just accepted that it would happen to me. When my aunt got it in her 40s, that was further proof for me that I would get it, and could probably get it young. Thankfully, I have access to good health insurance and health care, and we started ultrasounds in my mid 20s, and added mammograms to it in my 30s. I have "busy" breasts, as the doctor puts it. Lots of cysts (some simple, some complicated), as a lot of women have, so the check ups are extra necessary to make sure nothing is wrong.

Yesterday's mammogram showed nothing, but the ultrasound (which I believe is more useful for cystsy breasts like mine), showed something that caused the doctor some concern. They came in after the procedure and explained that there was some "abnormality" in one of my cysts that was more prominent and therefore caused them some concern. It's small (9mm), and they label it as "low suspicion for malignancy", but they want to biopsy it just to be sure. The doctor even made a point to say "there is no rush to biopsy this", but they just want to be sure.

I completely fell apart right there on the ultrasound table (goo on my breasts from the ultrasound, clutching the towel to cover myself, not my best moment lol), then again when making my appointment. I've been waiting and assuming this would happen since I was a kid, and it feels like the inevitable C word has come for me. They were all wonderful, assuring me that this is low risk and low suspicion and they just want to be sure it's nothing bad. And, it's small, so no matter the outcome we seem to be in good shape.

I've done all of the research, that 80% of biopsies come back benign, the fact that this is the "low suspicion" category is a good sign, my age helps (although with my mom getting it in her 30s, this doesn't really comfort me), etc. etc. But I'm spiraling. I'm convinced that this is cancer, and I'm not comforted at all by the fact that, if it is, signs are pointing to it being caught early. I oscillate between being panicked by the word cancer regardless of the stage, to being convinced that it's spread further than they assume (I'm reading into muscle pains, acid reflux, etc. that I've been having as signs of spread).

My biopsy is scheduled for June 21st, plus 3-4 business days for the results to come in. I gave myself yesterday to really lean into this and panic and cry and consider all worst case scenarios (of which I have created MANY). But now I need to figure out how to not let this consume me for the next few weeks. All I can focus on right now is how they're going to tell me the results, and I can't stop imagining them telling me that I need to come in for a discussion, or for them to tell me over the phone that it's cancer. How do I tell my parents that? How do I respond? I can't imagine another outcome other than that right now, and the way my anxiety works is that I interpret that to mean that this is a premonition of what's to come. Since I can't envision an outcome where this isn't cancer, that must mean that I have an intuition here that the doctors, friends, family, don't have.

What I really am craving right now (along with a hug and chocolate lol) are stories of people who have had something similar happen and it came out to be benign, but probably what I really need is advice on how to move through the day with this giant question mark over my head. I feel paralyzed and numb, while at the same time like I'm constantly on the verge of sobbing and throwing up. I've reached out to my close friends and my parents, and they've all been wonderful. My friends have rallied around me to distract me this weekend, my dad is sending encouraging texts, and my mom will be coming in for the biopsy.

I feel trapped by my anxiety and my own worst thoughts, and I'm giving my worst case scenario thinking more credit and logic than what the doctors are telling me. I know inherently that isn't logical, but I can't imagine a scenario where this isn't really bad. And, because that's the only scenario I can imagine, my anxiety is telling me that it's a premonition and intuition, and everyone else is wrong.

Any advice would be welcome and appreciated <3

15-06-23, 17:20
I have had two biopsies and both were benign. My mother has had one as well, and it was benign. My sister-in-law has had several, and all were benign.

The waiting period for the biopsy and results is truly awful! During the time of my first biopsy, I worked with a therapist, and during the first and second times I did a lot of deep breathing, meditation, ice dives, and watching tv for distraction. A good cry also helped.

Please be kind to yourself, and know you will get through this.

15-06-23, 17:41
Thank you so much for the kind words. It's so reassuring to hear that you and so many other women have gone through the same thing and it's been benign, although I'm sorry you had to go through this three times! The waiting really is the worst, but you're right distractions (and a good cry) are helping me limp through this. I'm dreading the 3-4 business days it will take for the results to come in, and am fixating on what it would be like to get a call with the diagnosis likely when I'm at work, then needing to share it with family, friends, etc. But, I'm not at that point yet (biopsy is next Wednesday), and for every panicked thought I have about getting the dreaded phone call with the C word diagnosis, I try to remind myself what the reality of the situation is, which is most come back as benign (I only succeed at this about 50% of the time, but I'm trying!)

28-07-23, 18:53
IÂ’m going through this exact thing right now. IÂ’m 41, have a huge amount of cysts on my breasts and they want to biopsy an area that is about 8mm in size. IÂ’m a wreck, I donÂ’t know what to think, all I can think of is the worst case scenario. I hope all is well with you and all came back benign

24-02-24, 05:55
Hi All,

Wild to be back here a little over 6 months from the last post. Happy story from my previous post - the biopsy in June 2023 came back benign, as so many do. It's a papilloma and has an adorable titanium marker in it now from where the sample was taken.

Flash forward to now. I went in for my 6 month follow up (which, due to an insurance change, change in doctors, problems getting prior medical records sent over, etc., turned out to be a 7-8 month follow up). At first they just checked the papilloma for stability, which it was fine. However, I was expecting the full 9 yards. Mammogram, bilateral ultrasound on both breasts, etc. This had been the process for years at my old doctor due to my history. They explained why they don't feel the strong need to do it at this time, but after some pushing on my end they said they would. Mammo came back fine, but lo and behold, the ultrasound showed something. To use their words, I had "bought myself another biopsy" (instant buyers remorse, let me tell you)

What they want to biopsy is something I've had since at least 2021. My old doctor labeled it as a "complicated cyst", but the new place say "No, not a cyst." It started out as 7mm in 2021 and has slowly grown in the past 4 years to 12mm, or 1.2 centimeters. They showed me the pictures comparison throughout the years and explained why they wanted to biopsy it. Since my last full ultrasound 6 months ago, it hasn't grown in size, but it has changed. They showed me how it had changed on the ultrasound but honestly I don't think I could describe it well, I was focusing mostly on breathing at that point lol. It does look like there's a little section growing down from it, or at least a part of it below has gotten darker.

This would be really difficult for me to process in the best of times, but right now is especially difficult due to other circumstances. Happy news: I'm going to South America next week for a week with friends for a long awaited trip, and then also spending some time on my way back home in Florida with my grandmother. As exciting as this is, I am a very nervous traveler and always get very on edge leading up to a trip. I intentionally wanted this appointment to happen in January so I could get any potential follow ups out of the way long before I left, but of course the American medical system had other plans in place to make that not possible. I told them of my travel plans, and they said they were booked for the next two weeks for biopsies, so we would have to do it when I got back. I asked if that was going to be an issue, and they said "a few weeks won't make a difference". So now I'm booked for a biopsy the day after I get back.

In other happy news: My niece was born this week. In scary news: She was six weeks early and the first part of this week was horrible. Thankfully, medicine and doctors and women and babies are amazing, and everyone is okay. She's the most perfect little bean in the world and I'm in love with her. However, we didn't know that everything was going to be okay until literally 10 minutes before I left for my appointment. I had a brief moment of relief, then right as I finally breathed after barely sleeping or eating for a few days, I got the news that I would have to go through biopsy hell all over again. As it is right now, everyone's focus and energy is on the baby, my sister in law, and brother, as it absolutely should be. I traveled back home to help out with things this weekend and meet my little peanut, and it's been wonderful, busy, and distracting. My biopsy is the last thing anyone else should be concerned or thinking about, but, to be honest, it's really all I'm thinking about. I'm doing a pretty good job of holding it together during the day, but at night when I close the door to my childhood bedroom, I fall apart.

All of this is exacerbated by the fact that my mom and I are not in a good place right now - She struggles with my anxiety and right now is not in a place where she can listen to or hear anything remotely related to it. A few weeks ago after I tested positive for Covid, I said in, what I thought was a pretty neutral tone that I was "okay, but a nervous", and that set her off. Even in the best circumstances, me sharing my fears about this with her would likely not go well right now and, more importantly, I don't want to ruin this amazing and special time for her and my dad. They know that I need to have something biopsied but I told them I wasn't concerned about it, and they haven't asked anything else.

I'm working hard with my therapist to stop reassurance seeking, but I'd be lying if that wasn't a big hope with this post. I also just really want a space to work through my thoughts, maybe help out someone else going through something similar later on, and connect with others. So, here's my breakdown of the bad and the good with this situation:


-With my last biopsy 6 months ago, the doctors at the office were SO accommodating, comforting, and calming. Granted, I broke down crying on the ultrasound table (boobs out, goo still on) immediately upon hearing the word "biopsy", and this time I managed to have a slightly less intense breakdown later on in the scheduling room (progress!). This place is NOT giving me that level of calm. No words of assurance of "it's probably nothing, we just need to check" "I'm not concerned", etc. The closest I got was "I was I could just tell you it's a fibroadenoma, but I can't without testing" (fair). Even being told "a few weeks won't change anything" when asked if the wait was going to be a problem just added fuel to the fire. I took that as "even if it's cancer, not much will change, and we just can't get you in before then."

-Along with above, it's listed as a BIRADS 4, but my last biopsy was listed as BIRADS 4A, meaning that was the least concerning out of all of them. Does this place just have different bedside manner and perhaps not use the A,B,C,D system when labeling BIRADS? Maybe, or maybe it means it's more concerning (guess where my mind is going :smile:).

-The image looks a bit scary. I've been google doom scrolling (bad, bad, bad), and all the images I see of the benign lumps women have in breasts are these perfect little oval shapes, maybe with the occasional extra blob. This is not perfect and oval and not very round. To my memory (which albeit is a bit hazy), it wasn't "spidery", but it was kind of like a lobulated rhombus (if that's possible lol), and had this little section growing from the bottom of it.

-My medical history. My mom was 39 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. I'm going to turn 34 in a week. It's wild to think of how young she really was when this happened.

-Whatever it is, it's been in me for awhile. How does an office misdiagnose something that's not a cyst, as a cyst? From what I could tell from this office, it's a solid mass. How do you mess that up?

-I'm going to be abroad and have this hanging over me the whole time. I'll be nervous and on edge as it is, and away from home and safety. What if something suddenly gets worse with it while I'm abroad? How am I supposed to mentally handle this while still trying to enjoy my trip? What if this is my last hurrah before everything goes wrong?

-When I go worst case scenario, I think about leaving my parents behind and not seeing my niece grow up. I go from "they see something that they want to test and don't know what it is yet" to planning my funeral and grieving for my parents. Speaking of my parents, my mom was wonderful the first time around and drove down to be with me the day of the biopsy and the day afterwards. It made a huge difference. But since our relationship has gone south recently, I don't think I can ask her to do the same this time around, so I think I'm going to have to do this alone.

-Is this going to be my life every 6-12 months for now on? I can't believe I'm having to go through this all over again and it hasn't even been a year since the last one.

Okay, now the GOOD, and some counterpoints to above:

-Let's start with the stats. 80% of breast biopsies come back as benign. I appreciate that they're being safe and cautious, and if I had to bet my life savings on whether or not this is cancer, I'd go with the odds and bet on it not being cancer.

-I had a mole once that really concerned the doctors. They took one look at it and said "Let's get that off now". And it was just a weird looking mole that is now a weird looking scar from where they took all of it out. I have to imagine that if this was a similar level of concern, they'd say we can't wait for you to come back from your trip, we're doing the biopsy ASAP.

-Whatever it is, it's small. 1.2 centimeters is bigger than the last thing they biopsied, but it's still tiny.

-I'm having no other symptoms, and my breast surgeon in January did a full, thorough physical breast exam on me (meaning the circular hand rubs), and felt nothing. When I work up the courage to feel around the area, I don't feel anything.

-To the point of the previous office labeling it as a "complicated cyst" and this office saying it's not - I still don't get how that can happen BUT, realistically, could a hospital really miss cancer showing up on an ultrasound every 6-12 months for 4 years? I guess it's possible, but it seems unlikely.

-If it is a cancerous tumor, it's the laziest tumor I've ever met, compared to what I've googled to be typically BC tumor growth. 5 mm growth in 4 years. I imagine beating this would just require whatever the medical equivalent of speed walking is.

-If we go for a realistic worst case scenario and it is the "Bad C", all signs are pointing to it being caught early, which we all know has a wonderful prognosis thanks to medical advancements. So, really, the realistic "worst case scenario" (however unlikely) is the best case it could be.

-I guess waiting for a biopsy to happen in South America and then being fed non-stop by your grandmother is better than just waiting for it to happen at home.

-If I do have to get biopsies every 6-12 months for the rest of my life, I'll have enough titanium markers in my breasts to be considered a FemBot, and that's pretty hot.

Sorry for the long post, but I've got a lot on my heart and mind right now, and I don't really feel comfortable bringing up this that's weighing the heaviest on me right now with anyone else. There's a lot going on right now that requires attention and energy elsewhere, and I'm trying to stay present and realize that the only way out of this is through it. I do have a choice over whether or not I let this ruin my next few weeks and my trip. I'm working really hard to not let it overrun things, but I just feel very alone, tired, and scared right now. It's helpful to have a place to get my thoughts out of my head and into the real world.

Any advice, comments, or thoughts would be appreciated :hugs:

07-04-24, 13:48
Hi Leanne -

Just read your messages and wondering how you’re doing and how everything went? I hope you went on your trip and enjoyed it!

Have you had your biopsy?
