View Full Version : Hard lump on foot

14-06-23, 00:10
Just wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar. I recently discovered a marble sized, hard lump on the top of my foot near my ankle. My foot had been a little sore in that area which prompted me to poke around a bit which is how I found it. It is very hard and immobile. Almost feels like a bone. I’m fairly certain I haven’t always had this but not sure when it popped up. Dr. Google tells me it could be anything from a bone spur to a cyst to cancer. I am thinking it isn’t a cyst because of how hard it feels, but I’m certainly not an expert. I have scheduled a doctors appointment to get it checked out. But in the meantime, I was hoping someone else has had something similar and could provide me with some reassurance that it may not be the worst case scenario that I tend to always jump to.

14-06-23, 02:18
Well, I had a bone displacement, a bunion come out of nowhere. So many bones in the foot...

21-06-23, 17:03
Yes, so many bones for sure. With the lump I have, I would have thought it was just a regular bone or normal part of my foot if it wasn’t for it not being present in my other foot. I did go see my doctor who said she didn’t know what the lump was but ordered an X-ray. The x-ray said basically nothing. Just noted that there was no fracture or things out of place. It didn’t even mention the bump at all. It suggested an ultrasound if there are soft tissue concerns. So now I am waiting for my doctor to weigh in on what to do next. But my hopes of it being some benign bone spur were crushed. That would have likely shown up on the x-ray I would imagine. I’m trying really hard to keep my anxiety at bay and not jump to the worse conclusions. But I can’t get my mind off the possibility of some rare sarcoma. I just don’t know what else a hard bump in my foot might be if it isn’t a bone issue.

22-06-23, 00:45
I just don’t know what else a hard bump in my foot might be if it isn’t a bone issue.

The answer is; its the way your body is. We're not perfectly sculpted in porcelain and asymmetrical. Things change physically as were grow older etc. You have the all clear from medical professionals. Time to find a way to move on :shrug: