View Full Version : How does the council bidding system work?

14-06-23, 20:46
I bidded on one last Thursday. I was position 1 for it. I checked today, and it says I'm position 2. It still says the bid is "open".

If I'm number 2 does that mean I'll likely not get it? The flat was stunning in a nice area too so I don't think I'll get it. Somebody will definitely take it. imho.

But how long does it take to hear something usually?

14-06-23, 22:03
No idea really having never used it. Didn't it used to be points based?

Probably the same as you're thinking. You were either the only or top need bidder on that property. Now someone with greater need/points has bid and moved you to no.2 position? If no.1 bidder turns it down in favour of another property, I would assume it would be offered to you if you are still no.2 bidder?

Total guess above. Good luck, hope you get it sorted soon.

15-06-23, 12:07
That makes sense. I think you're probably right.

Last night the system updated and I found 2 nice flats in this area. I've applied for them. I'm a bit worried about one of them, because its on the road behind me. It might be too close to the ex. But it was the only one that allowed dogs, and I am taking my german shepard with me.

Fingers crossed :)

16-06-23, 16:43
Omg, I got the nice place I wanted! She just called me. I am so overjoyed. The area is beautiful, and is around the corner from my mothers house.

I am sad, but I am also very happy.

16-06-23, 17:20
Well done. Can we assume the no.1 decided not to go for it or found something else?

16-06-23, 17:27
I think so yes. She didn't tell me anything about that. All that's left to do is send my documents off, and pay the deposit to the council. I collect the keys on 17th of July.

17-06-23, 21:46
I forgot to ask if I can have my german shepard. Damit! I think I should be ok because he's chill and is no problems and not noisy. But he really helps me with my mental health. I have to get out in the morning to walk him and at night. And without him I wouldn't get out regular. I'd let the anxiety beat me, but I can't with the dog because he needs walks and toilet.

20-06-23, 12:36
I'm not allowed to take my German Shepard :( Absolutely gutted. The block has a no dog policy and I can respect that.

This sucks. I'm not in a position to be picky about property, and it's hard enough to find one that's in a good area.

I'm going to have to leave him with the ex. Gutted now though.

21-06-23, 06:21
Oh no! That is so sad, will you be able to still see him and take him out?

21-06-23, 09:25
Housing associations generally see animals as noise disturbance and potential home destroyers, not as one of the family. Of course children, even some adults don't make a noise or wreck anything, do they? :lac:

21-06-23, 18:04
I've sent an email to the housing manager to see if she can make an exception. I've offered to pay for insurance for the home, or a little extra for having my dog. Hopefully she says yes.

If not, he will be staying here with the ex. I can come to see him, but it wouldn't be beneficial for me, or her, to see each other. For a while it will be no contact. I still have contact with my son obviously, and he has a phone so I can talk to him whenever I need.

Life is on the up. I sent out some CV's and got some positive replies, but after speaking to my support worker I've decided to stop chasing that. I'm running before I can walk at the moment and it will end in disaster. In a couple of months I have my assessment (another one), to see what is wrong with my brain, and they're going to give me any help I need.

I'm doing well. I'm eating good, praying regular and doing weight lifting 5 times a week. I'm sleeping better albeit for the pesky night terrors. I feel positive inside and I'm excited to move. I'm still on the sofa, and we're pretty much avoiding each other. But I'm civil and I cook her meals when I cook mine. I'm still doing all the cleaning and shopping etc. I don't mind doing this, because I see she is struggling.

I'll be gutted about the dog, but maybe it's for the best? What if I have days when I am low and can't get out the flat to walk him?

I like to think everything happens for a reason, so it will be what it will be as bad as it sounds.

24-06-23, 01:47
Don't forget, if you do get a job, they may require some office time for meetings, or away time for courses, conferences, etc. You will need somebody to help look after the dog?

24-06-23, 10:46
Don't forget, if you do get a job, they may require some office time for meetings, or away time for courses, conferences, etc. You will need somebody to help look after the dog?

Yes that's right. It's all a mess in my head at the moment. I'm a bit depressed today. I don't understand why my goals and plans come crashing down so quickly. I just want to be something in life, but instead I am controlled by stupid mental health problems.

24-06-23, 17:10
I decided to move away from the computer today. I did my usual prayers, went shopping, did a 3 mile walk with my son, did a workout session, had a bath, prepared some good food to cook for dinner ... and now I feel much better. Chicken and beef salad with humus. Beautiful. My son is going on his final Duke of Edinburgh Monday so had to get all the things he needs.

But now I've nothing to do I am bored again :roflmao:

27-06-23, 21:01
I've got my appointment at the hospital in August. I've got a date set in stone. My doctor took me seriously for once! I told him I want to be working, and I want to be going for these jobs. I explained my problems, fears, worries and with the current breakup situation. He was very understanding.

It looks like things are actually moving in the right direction for once. I think it's because I said I want to be working now, and I desperately want help. I'm also looking for a local aspergers/asd group in my new area for when I move. I think that will be helpful. And I've found a small mosque, and spoken to the Imam who said I am very welcome.

I've discovered something too ... if you help yourself other people will be more willing to help you succeed.

Living alone will allow me to be me. Without having to worry if problems related to my mental health and aspergers are affecting the people I live with. It's a constant mind battle, and one I didn't even realise affected me until after the relationship breakdown. All these years with bad mental health problems ... and I wonder how much of that was related to being in a relationship, and us both having issues, and trauma, that is unresolved.

I hope she can get the help she needs to be happy again. Because she deserves that. The death of her close relatives has smashed her to pieces. And watching somebody you love crumble is one of the hardest things to see. She also has an appointment at the same place, and she's going to counselling. Say a prayer for her if you can.

28-06-23, 06:11
Grief is an awful thing, I'll send positive thoughts her way.

28-06-23, 12:47
Grief is an awful thing, I'll send positive thoughts her way.

Thank you. It's hard, but it's definitely getting easier to deal with. And writing out my thoughts (NMP really helps for this) allows me to vent and get my thoughts out.

It's strange because I didn't feel anything like this when closed loved ones passed away.

Hope you're doing well Catkins.