View Full Version : HA spiralling out of control — stomach cancer fears

14-06-23, 21:37

Im finding myself in a really bad place right now. I’ve done all of the cbd, but still can’t drag myself out of this pit of doom.

So, for the last 2/3 weeks I’ve had digestive issues. My stomach feels tender, and when I eat I get a burning sensation. It’s not severe, but it’s definitely there. My mind won’t let go of the thought that I have stomach cancer. It’s consuming me.

my sister in law died of this over 20 years ago.

I have had gastritis a couple of times, and had a gastroscopy about 3 years ago, which showed a small spot of inflammation, which got better on its own.

Im trying really hard to rationalise things to myself. According to cruk, about 6700 people die each year with this cancer and over 50% are over 75 years old. So, less than 3500 of the whole population under 75, means the odds are in my favour, that it’s not cancer, right? Also, I do not have any of the risk factors, I don’t smoke, rarely drink alcohol and eat a healthy diet. But then my demons whisper to me, that my sister in law was only 45, so what makes me so immune?

I also think that I have been triggered by msn. My company use edge as their browser, and when I open a new tab, the msn page loads (and I can’t change it). This page is full of stories about people being given terminal diagnosis after things were missed, or only very mild symptoms.

Inalso found a small lump on my gum, which freaked me out. My partner is a retired dentist, so I asked him to feel it( he couldn’t really look as he has no implements at home) . He did and said he didn’t think it was anything. I asked him how many of his patients got diagnosed with oral cancer, and he said they he referred quite a few over his career, but the number that turned out to be cancer was zero. So again, Imtry to tell myself that it’s unlikely, but I
still awake thinking about it,

sorry this is so garbled, I just needed to let it out.

any words of advice will be so very grateful relieved, I’m struggling. Should I go to the drs about my stomach? Is 3 weeks too long for gastritis?



16-06-23, 13:01

so, things have not got any better, and now my belly looks really bloated, like I’m six months pregnant . This must be more than just gastritis, musn’t it? And it’s been 3 weeks or so, so I am thinking it must be stomach cancer.

the whole of my abdomen feels so tender, and my waistband feels like a cheese wire.

Im really, really struggling , don’t know what to do ��

16-06-23, 13:09
It sounds more like IBS to me but you would need to see a doctor really so they can examine you.

16-06-23, 15:28
Hi Nicola

Thank you so much for replying.

I made an appointment for a video consultation via my health insurance. Ive just made things worse for myself as she said what you said , that I need an examination. However, she said I should make an URGENT appointment with my NHS Gp, so thats made me freak out even more. Of course , the surgery dont have any appointments today, so the best I can do is an e-consult on Monday morning.

Isn't IBS to do with the Bowel? This feels more like upper gastric issue, the stomach. My toilet habits have not really changed since this reared its ugly head.

Its going to be a long weekend. I so want to enjoy the lovely weather, but I feel like a black cloud is over me :weep:

16-06-23, 16:21
I have had this for 8 years! Constant bloating, tender stomach, typically my breathing gets shallow and I look like I’m 6 months pregnant. Almost like I’m breathing air directly into my stomach, which obviously isn’t possible.
I’m still here! It’s worse some times and better other times, but never fully gone.
IBS is your whole digestive system, it affects your stomach too.

23-06-23, 01:50
Loads of people have these problems, it's extremely common. Of course the doctor has to say that you could get an urgent appointment if there's *any* reason think it's cancer, but that does not at all mean that cancer is even likely. It's like, every time you get in a car, there's definitely a *chance* you could die in an accident, but the chance is very low so you don't even worry about it. That's how you should think about this. If you asked a doctor if you were completely safe in a car and there was no chance you could be killed, of course the doctor would have to respond that there was always a *chance*, that it's never completely safe. They would have to say that. It doesn't mean that the doctor is really worried about it.

Definitely go to the doctor -- why not? There's no reason not to go if something is bothering you or you're worried. It can't hurt.

23-06-23, 16:19
Thank you both for your kind replies.
Serith, that’s a really good analogy, I will try to remember that. HA seems to make logic go out of the window doesn’t it?

I did in fact do a telephone conversation with my doctors. He seems to think that it’s classic gastritis, and has prescribed me some omeprozole to take for a month. He said that if it doesn’t fix it, then we will do some more investigation. So fingers crossed it helps. I keep worrying that I didn’t say the right things though. He asked if my bowels were affected, and I said no. But now I think about it, I’m only going every other day, rather than daily. This has only been for the last week, so not sure if it’s significant,. He also asked me if I had a cough, and I said no, and of course my throat has been tickly , and has made me cough, but I didn’t notice it until he asked.

as I mentioned , my partner is a dentist, and in his whole career he has referred lost of patients, and not one had oral cancer, but he needed to rule out that very small chance.

sparking fairy, I never knew that about ibs, so thank you for that


27-06-23, 23:33
I am having very similar symptoms to you, and am also worrying (as is my way!!). Stomach cancer tends to be slow growing so its extremely unlikely you would’ve had a clear gastroscopy 3 years ago if you were getting symptoms now.
I imagine the doctor asked if you had a cough as this is a symptom of gerd?

28-06-23, 10:49
Loads of people have these problems, it's extremely common. Of course the doctor has to say that you could get an urgent appointment if there's *any* reason think it's cancer, but that does not at all mean that cancer is even likely. It's like, every time you get in a car, there's definitely a *chance* you could die in an accident, but the chance is very low so you don't even worry about it. That's how you should think about this. If you asked a doctor if you were completely safe in a car and there was no chance you could be killed, of course the doctor would have to respond that there was always a *chance*, that it's never completely safe. They would have to say that. It doesn't mean that the doctor is really worried about it.

Definitely go to the doctor -- why not? There's no reason not to go if something is bothering you or you're worried. It can't hurt.

The 'car crash' analogy was exactly what I was about to reply with, but you beat me to it!:yesyes:

10-07-23, 08:09
Hello I had to go hospital about 5 weeks ago with stomach pain vomiting had blood and water test and examined and was told gastritis, I had very loose stools a while before this and done stool test which showed inflammation so doctor referred me to gastro which was in April but I haven't heard from them and I haven't rung the number I was supposed to rung if I didn't hear because I'm so scared, but it did all get better for a while but thos weekend it has come back its watery stools straight after food and a horrible stomach feeling, I've now got my letter out because I know I will have to have an appointment but I'm absolutely terrified of going because of tests I've heard they will want to do and what they could find especially as I've left it a long while, the thought of having the camera down my throat just brings on a panic attack I don't know how I would have it of that's what they suggest, ots just making me ill and I haven't even made the appointment yet ! But I know I will have to I can't keep having this but just thinking of the first appointment has made me feel terrible physically I can't get on with anything and can't breath properly I'm just petrified of hospitals and any kind of tests, just needed to do this as I keep it all to myself .