View Full Version : Need someone to talk to

14-06-23, 22:12
So I was wondering if you can give yourself sensations/pain by worrying? I’ll give an example last two years I’ve been obsessed with liver cancer or something, I thought I had a lump under it and the next day it started feeling odd and that feeling happened every single day right until I was told there was something wrong with my baby, of course my brain switched to that and I was constantly in and out of hospital, I never got that liver “sensation” since that, but I mean I had it every single day! It was real to me! Now I’m obsessed with dvt and I keep feeling weird sensations down my leg, I had a c section so I went doctors 4/5
Times now to be checked out and they are certain it isn’t but haven’t done actual any medical testing just felt a lot and made me do bends and measure my legs.

I wanna move on from this because honestly it’s either I get medical testing (still don’t believe what it says because of the 1%, missed chance or that article on Google or I wait to obsess about a bigger symptom or so on) it isn’t pain in my leg, it just feels weird. It goes from my bum to my front thigh calf and foot, the doctors are convinced it’s sciatica but why would the front hurt? I also had to do a slump test and that was positive and it felt like a electric shock went up the outer side of whole leg, I’m not sure what that was. My ferritin is also super low at 9, (this was before my section so god knows what it is now) which I don’t think is making me feel healthy anyway.

Anyway I’m coming on here, probably annoying everyone, but I’ve ran out of support in the real world. My brain is just constantly eating me up. I’m so scared xx

14-06-23, 23:13
If you can't believe the doctors, who will you believe? What would we say that is better than what the experts say? The mind can create almost any sensation, and it can also focus in on real sensations, making them seem worse than they are.

14-06-23, 23:49
You 1000% can create physical sensations with your anxiety. I have probably manifested every physical sensation possible. I have thought my way into DVT pain, liver pain, lung pain, chest pain, nausea, tingling/twitching/numbness, stomach issues, you name it! Our minds are EXTREMELY powerful.