View Full Version : New Black Mole

18-06-23, 15:55
I am sitting at the airport waiting to go on vacation with my family. On the way to the airport, I looked down and noticed a new black mole on my leg. At first I thought it was ink or some other mark. It looks like someone took the tip of a black felt pen and dotted my leg. But it’s definitely a mole. I have lots of freckles and moles but this one is noticeably darker than the others. I can’t find another one that is this dark. I am spiraling and now I’m afraid my vacation is going to be ruined! I’m terrified of melanoma! I know it’s not impossible to get new miles but one that is so much darker….

18-06-23, 16:02
Hey, just wanted to drop you a quick message as I am also going through mole worries at the moment.

If it makes you feel better, to help reassure myself I've found a few forum threads etc where people have had new small dark moles pop up, had them biopsied and they've turned out totally benign. Are you sure it isn't a scab or other small injury? I don't know how old you are, but new moles can develop throughout your life and be harmless, get it checked out when yo get home and try and park your fear until then.

It's not cancer until they tell you it is, and even then when caught early skin cancer is very treatable.

18-06-23, 23:31
Thanks for the reply. I’m feeling a little better as my husband reminded me that I had laser hair removal last week in my legs. It is possible the laser can cause darkening in moles and freckles. But as I’ve said I have lots of freckles and moles and this was the only one that was affected. And I don’t recall this happening before and I’ve been getting this procedure done every other month for almost 2 years.

30-07-23, 17:21
Hey Jamie - Have you had this checked out? I just noticed the exact same thing on my arm. A freckle/mole that's like the size of a felt tip marker but noticeably darker than all the surrounding moles and freckles. I'm due for my annual skin check in three weeks, but it made me a bit nervous!

07-08-23, 17:36
I go through this quite often with new moles, including one that was extremely dark black and like you described. The best thing you can do is go see a dermatologist for peace of mind. So far all of mine have come back fine, even those they sent out for biopsies (which they never did with this new black one)

24-08-23, 16:05
Thanks! I just had my appointment. I pointed it out and she thought it looked fine, but wanted to wait until checking the rest of my body. After looking at everything else she agreed it was darker than the rest and said we'd biopsy just to be safe. She said she suspects it will come back fine. So, I'm a little bit nervous, but staying calm because I know I've had it for many years and based on pictures I think it always was a bit darker than the rest. Fingers crossed!