View Full Version : feeling sick in general...

18-06-23, 21:45
Hello just want to rant and maybe get reassurance...

Lately, since the start of this month i have been feeling somewhat off, like my head feels like i'm subtly lightheaded or dizzy like on and off. My neck also feels more tense lately, and i've been generally fatigued and feeling hot and I just put it down to the hot weather lately. I'm staying hydrated as best as i can too. My symptoms tend to be a little worse at night

But today, i suddenly got really awful dizziness and nausea out of the blue and had to lie down. I also feel restless too with palpitations, no idea where it came from.
idk if it's even anxiety causing my symptoms at this point like i don't remember being THAT anxious the past month.

I'm trying to stay off Google but i still can't stop thinking about what kind of "illness" i might potentially have this time, from heatstroke to heart disease or some underlying deficiency or whatever. I'm only 21/M and just finished college. i'm going on holidays in a week and i dont want to be sick when i'm supposed to be enjoying myself... Again, idek if it's just anxiety at this point...

19-06-23, 19:41
It’s so crazy how no matter how I’m feeling I will often come across someone on here feeling the same. I have literally been feeling exactly the same lately.

My anxiety was pretty bad the past month or so but it’s tone down. Even though it’s been better the last week or two, I still keep getting this general feeling of unwellness with some dizziness, fuzziness, fatigue, etc. I just feel off.

I do really think that it’s related to my anxiety but it’s definitely hard to remember that sometimes!

19-06-23, 21:59
Hello and yes it's so hard to believe sometimes how much physical symptoms anxiety can inflict, even when I don't think i'm anxious. Especially when one symptom finally goes away, only to be replaced by another symptom, and my thoughts are always like "but what if this time!!" even when I know it's probably irrational

19-06-23, 22:46
I’m right there with you! For me, even after my anxiety has diminished, I think I’m still stuck in that hyper focused mode. So, I keep noticing every little thing and it becomes exhausting! And then I think that mental exhaustion makes for even more physical symptoms. I had a hard time sleeping last night so I’m extra tired today, which also increases that general feeling of unwellness. But I try to think that if I was actually unwell the symptoms would not be so vague. For me, if I get better sleep, eat better, and get more active I’m sure I will feel better. But those are also things that are harder to do with anxiety.

23-06-23, 02:11
Just posting with some solidarity. I came here to post something similar and found this thread. Feeling "off" the past 4 days. Logic brain tells me it's my anxiety (plus the day I started feeling bad I was traveling back home from a trip so was sore from driving/being on the road), but anxious brain is hyperfixated on every sensation. Nights are harder. One thing that has helped me is to reflect back on my day-- for example, today when I woke up I felt better than I do now. I was also able to do some housework, watch some TV, and make dinner without being distracted by my headache, brain fog, and "feeling off." If there was truly something wrong, my symptoms would be persistent and wouldn't come and go. Hang in there.

23-06-23, 21:43
I do that same thing Dade! I did a really intense house cleaning the other day and felt fine the whole time. It’s mostly when I’m not doing anything else that the off feeling creeps in. This tells me it’s most likely anxiety.