View Full Version : Sinus anxiety

20-06-23, 02:01
I am getting myself worked up over sinus symptoms that I have. I am linking these to an accident I had at the weekend and now I am catastrophising :(
I decided to use my carpet cleaner at the weekend but I realised I forgot to empty the dirty water container from the last use about a month ago. When I took it off, I dropped the container and it fell open as it hit the floor, and splashed everywhere. Some went on my glasses and top but I didn't feel that it went on my face much otherwise.
I was worried the dirty water went up my nose. It didn't feel like it at the time. I washed my face and blew my nose a lot just in case.
In the days since, my sinuses have felt irritated and now I am paranoid that I did get dirty water in my nose and that it had a brain eating bug in. I am worried about the bug because the water was dirty and it had been standing in the conservatory (currently hot temps of 30+C) for a few weeks.
My sinuses felt puffy in my face and my nose tingles. The discomfort is moving along my cheeks and is now around my ears on both sides. I am worried that these symptoms are a sign of an amoeba taking hold.
I am trying to talk to myself that this is highly unlikely and the sinus pains have probably stemmed from changes in air pressure and current humidity, as well as overblowing the nose maybe irritated everything. I do have a post nasal drip most of the time and this seems worse, I want to sneeze a lot more and my sinuses seem to be clicking and popping a lot too.
Otherwise I am well. There is not a massive headache, just pressure around my ears/temples/jaw and in my cheeks. I do not have any loss of taste/smell or odd behaviours. No fever.

I'm overreacting, right? The amoeba worry always surfaces for me in the summer and I seem to look for opportunities to panic about it, when it's really ridiculously rare and unlikely.

Positive thoughts please!

20-06-23, 09:55
Flappergirl, I know so many people with sinus issues at the moment including myself. Hay-fever has been particularly high this year.
I've got the same as you describe so it's unlikely the stale water situation has caused it.

20-06-23, 10:39
Thank you. I have noticed that it gets better and worse so I am thinking it is sinus trouble as the other thing wouldn't improve! I tend to suffer when it is humid and rain sets it off. Also the carpet I did clean I think has triggered more dampness and maybe mildew (yuk). I am trying to be reasonable and hope that all this gets better quickly!

20-06-23, 10:57
Mine is better some days, worse others too.
If you suffer with sinus issues, damp and dust can irritate it. Ventilation is a good idea and can you get a humidifier for the carpet? Otherwise the heat we are having will soon dry the area. Or use kitchen towel to soak up any residue by laying it down on the carpet and standing on it.