View Full Version : Heart Stress Test

27-11-07, 21:19
Can anyone tell me what a heart stress test is, and what it involves.
I'm a 46 year old male, and i have a lot of stress and anxiety in my life, and i'm constantly worrying about my heart, my B.P. is fine, my cholesterol the same, but i'm still worried! any advice anybody?

27-11-07, 22:40
Nothing to worry about at all, the cardiologist gets you to walk on a treadmill whilst being wired up to an ECG, It'll show what your heart does during excersise and will help the doctor decide if you need medication.
In my case it is Calcium chanel blockers to help the circulation and Ace inhibotors to help with my blood pressure.
The whole thing take just a few minutes, you'll be fine.
Best wishes.

27-11-07, 23:11
Thanks Decca, i'm gonna have to sort one out for myself!

miss motown
27-11-07, 23:46
hi yes its just a tredmill test as decca says i had one early this year they wire you up on a tredmill and regular take your blood pressure i was knackered and thought my heart was about to pack in but they said i was doing fine and if they thought my heart was affected by it they would stop the test anyway i had to wait a couple of weeks for my results and they came back fine so dont worry it will be fine im sure

28-11-07, 00:00

It's just like they have said. It's nothing to worry about, and you will have people in there with you. The worse for me was wanting to stop walking and they wouldn't let me.

28-11-07, 01:28
Hi if your worried about your heart have one done, I have always thought ive suffered heart attacks in the past and worry about pains in my heart. My doctor referred me for one, she said to me that as far as she was concerned my heart was fine but if I dont excercise because of my heart fears she would send me to prove it was my anxiety.I would of betted a months pay she was wrong but she wasnt it was just my anxiety!

28-11-07, 07:48
As i said before my B.P. and Cholesterol are ok and my G.P. does not seem concerned at all, he said it is my old problem, Anxiety, but because of my age and my increased stress, anxiety and more recently PAs i am still worried, and for peace of mind i'm probably going to ask for one!
Thanks everyone.

28-11-07, 09:03
Stress/ anxiety is such a strange thing, I used to suffer long term up to about 20 years ago then I took my present job and the illness issues seemed to disappear, strange that they have now ( about 3 months ago) returned due to stress at work.
I realise that it can be a vicious cycle ,you worry about an ailment or illnes which causes the anxiety which leads to stress which leads to another ailment etc. , I've found that facing the demons , ie; having medical test to rule out physical illness although very stressfull at the time will lead to re-assurance and realisation that it is only anxiety and has helped me cope in the long term.
I've found all the Doctors,nurses,technicians I've dealt with lately have been extremely understanding when they know you are anxious over the results and have usually eplained things and told me the results there and then, I really can't praise our medical staff enough.
Best wishes,
