View Full Version : worried about night sweats.. anxiety is back in full effect

21-06-23, 15:27
So its been a while since I've freaked out about my own health... lately my anxiety has been focused on my kids.

last month I woke up with wet hair and was confused because I never usually sweat at night. It happened for about a week or week and a half then went away. Last friday it started again, every night since I have woke up with wet hair and feel hot. Im 31 years old and I keep telling myself its hormonal but my anxiety literally goes from oh no night sweats... must be cancer. That is really one of my biggest fears and I guess just not being here for my kids scares me.

I went to the dr two days ago who did no tests just listened to me talk and said yeah its related to hormones.... her treatment was for me to get on BC which I denied because I dont want to take it.

Long story short... im sweating at night and scared :( anyone else go through this? Its not like my sheets and clothes are soaked at all... just my hair really.

22-06-23, 10:44
Yes, I get them when I'm anxious/ stressed and sometimes I get them linked to events in my hormonal cycle. Usually I get wet hair and occasionally some sweaty boobs 😄

26-06-23, 19:13
yes i have started getting night sweats more often within the past year or so? (i’m 39)i noted when they were and tend to be right before my period so i attributed them to hormones as well! at first it was scary because before that i only got night sweats if i had been sick or something.

i started getting all sorts of symptoms in my 30s, basically any pms or ovulation symptom i’ve experienced at one point or another, it’s especially not fun when you have health anxiety 😫

good you were able to talk about it with a doctor…i too didn’t want to go on bc and that seems to be their only suggestion.. but if you go to a naturopath they will go a diff route and suggest dietary changes and supplements etc to help with hormonal balance.