View Full Version : Dvt again.

25-06-23, 20:36
I’ve had a dvt fear for almost 7 weeks due to leg pain which is apparently sciatica although the pain isn’t shooting, just dull and annoying in different areas of my leg at different times. I’ve been to hospital and my doctors 4/5 times and they all say I haven’t got it, they can see by my legs that I haven’t got it, she didn’t want to do a blood test because of recent surgery (9 weeks ago) and I had blood thinners for 6 weeks so thinks I’m pretty slim chance, she sent me to pyshio who pretty much said she can promise I don’t have one. Logic tells me I probably wouldn’t have a clot for 7 weeks but I just can’t seem to get this out of my head. should I just go back tomorrow and demand a blood test? Even urgent care didn’t think it was necessary and that I had sciatica. But with no tests it’s pretty hard to convince yourself.

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25-06-23, 21:42
I wouldn't waste their time to be honest.

Accept it is not a blood clot and move on from this but you do need to learn coping techniques for the HA.