View Full Version : Obsessed with looking for visual disturbances

27-06-23, 09:54
Hello everyone, over the past few months I have found it extremely difficult to stop looking for visual irregularities since first noticing them in February and now it seems like they are more pronounced than they could ever have been before. Mostly I am having trouble with afterimages and eye floaters but I also see "visual snow" or static or whatever. I am reasoning with myself every day that these are things that many people have in their vision but most people's brains filter it out so if I stop focussing on it I will eventually ignore it. It's just very hard not to focus on it. Every morning the static is the first thing that I see when I open my eyes. Even when I am watching telly and then look away at the wall I get a defined TV-shaped negative afterimage on the wall for 10 seconds or so. It feels impossible not to fixate when you see something like that, especially because I'm thinking, well.... how do I know it's not a sign of something serious? I've been three times to the optometrist and they said everything is fine, but unfortunately that doesn't stop me from seeing this stuff.

Has anybody else been through something similar?
