View Full Version : Crippling health anxiety

28-06-23, 17:38
Ok so since September 2022 I first went to the drs with stomach issues. I did stool tests and blood work also tested for celiac ibs ibs etc. all my tests were normal and she then explained I may have long covid. Since January 2023 I have been extremely sick with nausea, stomach issues, chronic fatigue, symptoms of POTS, headaches and head pressure and pins and needles with twitches all over my body. I have had an abdominal ultrasound and pelvic ultrasound, various chest x rays, various ecgs and full blood work done about 10 times this year.

I just did a full blood work up and another stool sample over a week ago and it came back clear. I did a gut microbiome and my microbiome is so out of whack. I started taking symprove probiotic to help it. I have literally convinced myself I have bowel or stomach cancer and they’re missing something. My dr said if I had cancer something would be off by now in my tests. Am I just really over reacting and need to accept that is long covid? I still have stomach issues but I’m putting it down to my microbiome being bad. I have had blood in my stool on and off since I was 18. I’m now 35. I have chronic anal fissures internally. So they never fully heal. My health anxiety has gone hay wire with how sick I am feeling but to be told I am healthy apart from the long covid. I do suffer health anxiety and I am getting therapy currently. Why can’t I just be normal :(

28-06-23, 19:02
I'm sorry for everything you've been suffering :(
Between the long covid, the microbiome, the battery of tests that came back clear, and the anal fissures, it sounds like you have more than enough reassurance that you do not have cancer.

I know it can be hard to believe that, because that's how health anxiety works... but remind yourself that your fears are not rational, it is just the anxiety doing what it does.

28-06-23, 19:35
Hey thank you so much for replying to me. I feel awful. I don’t know what else to do. I’m convinced I’m dying of cancer or something because of how sick I feel but people keep telling me I am not :(