View Full Version : Colon cancer symptoms

29-06-23, 02:22
For at least a year now I’ve been having blood a lot of red blood after having a painful poop. There’s also some on the poop. I thought it was ok when didn’t see it for about three weeks then other day it hurt to go and blood started again. Then I’m also bloated and very constipated I’ve been taking stool softeners but they aren’t helping. Worse now since last night have feeling of pressure in the middle of butt like something is in there. I also wiped myself without going to bathroom there was a little blood and I’m very worried now thinking of have someone kind of anal or colon cancer. Anyone have similar and it just be something like hemorrhoids

29-06-23, 05:16
It's much, much more likely to be piles or a fissure - most likely a fissure, from what you've said. That said, the smart move would be to get checked out by a professional so that they can confirm this.

02-07-23, 06:50
I’ve been very constipated. I didn’t go today I took something to make it all come out but that feeling in butt is still there I’m very scared. I’m not comfortable going to Dr for this. I don’t know what to do what could be causing this feeling. I really think it’s a tumor causing bowel obstruction. Would this tumor be felt like this out of nowhere

03-07-23, 08:33
Please anyone I thought it was a little better today but now I feels the feeling really bad like something is sticking in there I feel it entire rectum very worried it’s a tumor does this sound like a hemorrhoid

03-07-23, 13:02
In the 9 years that you've been on the forum, have any of your fears materialized? Please no 'what if' dragon replies ;)


03-07-23, 20:27
I know but this is different not my anxiety. I been having bright red after wiping and in toilet for months not all the time figured it’s hemorrhoids ignored it then stopped then few weeks ago before I got my period had painful poop and did again then I was very constipated pain I had to take soemthing make it come out. I for a week now have this feeling in butt like something is in there like poop or something never had this before. Would a tumor all of a sudden cause this feeling also saw from my inside butt on side found what looks like spec of old blood dark with what look like reddish on I’m terrified it’s from bleeding tumor

03-07-23, 22:33
Look at improving your diet and getting more fluids and fibre and see how it goes.

If you are really worried then see your doc for advice.

03-07-23, 23:30
Don’t know if I wold feel comfortable going for this have severe social anxiety don’t want to go have butt checked i was hoping it would go away but it’s not. I’ve had the stomach aches and sometimes bleeding for a long time but I tried to not let myself think it was anything but hemorrhoids. It used to be a little blood but few times now been a lot and inside bowl too.I do need to drink water definitely don’t drink any and since 2014 I’ve been very gassy ultrasound was full of gas. I’m just worried now cause after months of very painful stomachaches which have not had almost two months. They seem to be around time of my period. This feeling in butt in new thought just feels as though something is sitting in there or feeling of underwear being stuck up there. I also read a user on here that had symptoms and ended up having colon cancer at 30 it freaked me out more

04-07-23, 02:39
The fact that you're performing self examination exams to the degree that you've posted illustrates that negative OCD behaviors and subsequent googling that affirms the real issue and affirms similar behaviors from the 9 years you've been on the forum. Its enough to dismiss this as benign. I don't doubt you're experiencing the symptoms you describe but they're associated with mental illness as opposed to physical illness. Treat the real problem and you treat the symptoms associated with it.


04-07-23, 02:45
I know what you mean but this is something that been having symptoms for while and worse that never for a week. If I ignore it thinking it’s just my health anxiety and it’s really not then what. I went to bathroom before and now had the skinny stool and pain now in right side. Whether I sit or stand did open legs especially feels something sitting in there it’s very scary. I have all the symptoms. Even when I wen through all the other worries like last year I’ve had those symptoms before I knew deep down I was ok but this time it’s new and i don’t know if this is bad or not.

04-07-23, 07:47
Fishman I donÂ’t know what to do I donÂ’t think itÂ’s my anxiety this time. When is it it hurts like a ball in upper and lower part of butt. If sit legs open just feels weird like something sticking in there and feeling like wedgie. All it feels like is huge tumor. Never been this scared before and last time was pretty bad. What else could it be in there. If I wanted to go to dr would have to wait a week since have family over for holiday. IÂ’m very scared what I feel is a tumor and no way to feel comfortable and itÂ’s constant. I also have back pain today now which is also a symptom and the thin stool today I feel like this is it for me.

04-07-23, 17:34
In the kindest way possible, you need to get a grip.

What you are describing is overwhelmingly likely to be down to piles, or a fissure. 1 million to 1 this is the most likely cause, especially with constipation, bright red blood and pain when going to the toilet. The fact that this has been happening for a year without any weight loss or other symptoms makes it vanishingly unlikely to be cancer.

But hey, if you are the one in a million people who has symptoms of piles at a young age and does actually have colon cancer, what's the plan here? Just sitting there working yourself up about it, not going to the doctor and then just dying?

Go to the doctor. Suck up the embarrassment and anxiety. You will be told it is piles, or a fissure, and you will be told ways to improve your toilet habits to manage the issue. Things will improve and you won't need to spend your life sitting there sick with fear and afraid to go to the loo. And yeah, I have experienced the exact same symptoms as you. I have piles! And not enough fibre in my diet! That's literally it.

04-07-23, 18:15
If I go to the dr it’ll be next week cause ain’t able to go with family here for holiday. The dr I go to is there in office few days a week she the only dr I trust she knows about my anxiety. I have lost weight but I been trying to and it’s been very slow which I guess it good. My worry is this constant feeling of something in there made worse by my position. I looked up all about hemorrhoids to see and I’m just not sure. I know have had them before never had this feeling which is why I’m worried. I’ve told myself you wouldn’t feeling a tumor there this quick out of nowhere but my worry is been growing and now it blocking the bowel and that’s what I feel. There was another user on here who thought she had hems and it ended up being colon cancer I read her thread and thst made me more terrified. I know my anxiety is making this worse but feeling is not just anxiety. I’m very uncomfortable and have to wait till next week for dr I’ll just worry more till then. I don’t want to think it’s hems then turns out it that

04-07-23, 18:50
No amount of reassurance, publicly or privately, will help at this point. Its very clear that you're in the rabbit hole and following the same self-destructive mental patterns you've displayed over the years :(

Hope you feel better soon :yesyes:


04-07-23, 21:21
I’m just afraid to just say it’s hemorrhoids and not worry about cause if I’m wrong then that ain’t good. But I’m gonna try to not worry about hope it goes away if not I’ll force myself go to dr I don’t want to but it’ll stop my anxiety I’ll go. If hemorrhoids that are this bad what makes it go away

05-07-23, 17:33
Woke up in pain very constipated from back to front I haven’t pooped today or yesterday and days before went a little bit. I feel like I have to go yet have thst feel of something in there. It makes things worse thst no one believes me these are real symptoms. Does this still sound like hemorrhoids

05-07-23, 18:35
Also I should mention huge part of hemorrhoids is itching which I don’t have at all

I just don’t think it’s right no one is trying to help and barely get any responses. I understand I have had several worries but most were the same and you all realize people with health anxiety could still get things therefore I don’t get while my worries are brushed off.

It’s bad enough my fam don’t believe me but to come on here which is supposed to be support and no one even takes serious and I don’t think it’s right.

I don’t know if this is hemorrhoids I’ve had them before and didn’t have this feeling. I have feeling something is there making it feel full on all sides everywhere in the butt and constipation problems. I ain’t able to go please someone give me advice if anyone had these exact symptoms and were ok I want to know.

Don’t tell me to go to dr if I really need to I’ll go but I’m not someone who wants run to them all the time. Especially since have sever agoraphobia ain’t gonna want to show my butt. don’t tell me it’s my anxiety causing this it might be making it worse but not the cause. I could deal with hemorrhoids if I knew for fact that what they are but what I feel inside is making me worry it a tumor. I don’t want to argue with anyone but I thinks it’s messed up to be brushed off when my symptoms are real. I hope your all right but really don’t know

05-07-23, 19:35
You do know you're being rude to people who are giving their time and emotional effort to try and help you, right? We all have our own lives to live and our own problems to surmount, and you're not owed anything.

The vast majority of people here suffer from anxiety and know how awful that mind-numbing dream can be.

Just because you’re afraid, it doesn't mean that there's anything to be afraid of. You need to decide whether you'd rather wrangle your HA and deal with your fears, visit a doctor for reassurance or (preferably) both.

05-07-23, 19:58
People brushing off concerns is also not right. I said I wasn’t trying to argue with people. I seen others posts with lots of advice yet when I post I get two which are telling me it’s in my head. I know no one owes me anything. I’ve been doing things to try to help myself if my prob is hems and nothing is working. I come on here to see if others have similar symptoms and they were ok and to vent because I’m afraid. That’s why everyone in here understands what thats like. Having everyone say it’s just part of my anxiety is not helpful when have real symptoms. That’s all I’m trying to say. It seems some users are treated better than others but I don’t care about that I just want to know I’m ok trust me i don’t like being in here

05-07-23, 20:02
I understand the fear of the HA spiral (currently in one myself).

I think it’s very likely to be just an issue of hemorrhoids, but unfortunately the only person who could tell you that for sure is a doctor that is able to physically examine you. Can you see a female doctor (if you are female?). I know when I’ve had to go for sensitive stuff recently I’ve sought out female professionals and they were super understanding of my fears but it also made me feel better the couple of times I’ve had to “bear all” so to speak.

If it helps, they get asked this stuff a ton. It seems really awkward to us but it’s just another Wednesday for them. They may be able to tell you just based on description what it is.

05-07-23, 20:22

yes I have a dr she knows about my anxiety I just feel uncomfortable going ti begin with cause being around other people. Also I know if I go she’ll want to check inside that’s very scary and uncomfortable I know if this don’t get better I’ll force myself to go.know I’m just afraid it not hems though cause I think I’ve had them for a while but they never caused this feeling it’s new.

When you search online or ask drs online they make it like it could be hems or tumor and makes me very anxious. I even started worrying it’s a tumor in ovary causing these symptoms which is what I was worrying about last year. It’s feels like different parts inside feeling like this it’s difficult to know

Thank you for understanding I appreciate it I’m just very scared I don’t mean to start with anybody

05-07-23, 20:36
I know you're scared - it's scary. Facing up to anxiety is hard and requires a level of bravery that many don't have to access. It seems like we're quite the group on this site with all of our anxieties and fears, but IMO, the people here are exceptionally brave.

Could you call your doctor or do a telehealth visit? The most comprehensive thing would be for her to take an actual look, but just talking over the phone/Zoom might be enough for her to know what's going on and help you feel better, or advise next steps. If you do have to go in, maybe you could get the first appointment of the day so there would be less people around.

I'm one who acknowledges anxiety can cause all kinds of things, but a persistent physical issue should still be checked. But being that your doctor knows about your anxiety, has she been able to provide any resources to you to work on that as well?

05-07-23, 20:52
My dr there on Tuesday and Wednesday which means it’ll prob not be till next week and hate thought of waiting another week worrying. Last time I was there she felt my stomach cause I was worried about ovarian cancer. I also had a urine and blood test. It ended up being an infection from having a long period.

I should mention another reason I worry is I have low iron and for years now my dr has been mentioning that I went in sept for two iron infusions. I worry cause it says bleeding from colon cancer could cause this. I think all these years it’s from heavy periods. The dr that did the infusion asked me if I had heavy period I says I did I’m assuming it not from anything but that.

She keeps asking if I wan to go back on antidepressants since I ain’t able to get a therapist but I’ve been on lots of them and just don’t think they help or way they make me feel.

06-07-23, 00:29
I just asked someone I trust in my family to look inside to see if see anything there was nothing no hemorrhoid nothing. I’m more scared than ever now cause something is causing this feeling of it not that then that mean have a tumor pressing on something causing this feeling. I’m calling dr tomorrow don’t think I’ll be able to go till next week. I don’t know what to think

06-07-23, 11:45
Did they feel inside or look inside - there is a big difference.

06-07-23, 14:58
Hemerrhoids can be internal and not visible. A fissure would absolutely not be visible to someone. The feeling of pressure (and I know you're not going to want to hear this) could be entirely psychological because you've convinced yourself you have a tumor, or could be discomfort caused by the fact that you're constipated. I get pains and pressure all over my digestive system when I'm constipated.

Your anxiety is also going to exacerbate every stomach issue you've been having. Again, it may be scary and embarrassing but please just go to the doctors. No amount of people here telling you they've had the same symptoms will change your mind until you address the cause of your digestive symptoms (and also the anxiety)

06-07-23, 19:59
Hi guys I went to dr today. I told her what was bothering me she looked and didn’t even have to insert finger she saw the external hemorrhoid and gave me a cream. She wants me to get endoscope to find out what causing my acid reflux since I’ve been on omeprazole for few years and she want me off. She said she also wants me to get colonoscopy to check what’s causing all my gas and constipation she thinks it’ll be ibs. It felt good to go though

06-07-23, 20:11
That's fantastic news. Glad you were able to go.

06-07-23, 20:19
About time - now will you believe us :yesyes:

06-07-23, 22:36
Yea I wanted to believe you but you know anxiety makes you doubt even my family were telling me what you did and still was anxious. After going to dr I feel better. She’s good cause she knows about my anxiety.

07-07-23, 00:01
"Told ya so" :whistles:


07-07-23, 02:21
Yea you did. I’m glad I went to dr too. Are endoscopes easy