View Full Version : Low heart rate worries

29-06-23, 17:50
I was put on Propranolol 80mg slow release for preventing migraines, and to help with anxiety. Today is the first day I took it. It seems like my heart rate dropped with about 20bpm.
Normally my resting heart rate when watching TV is in the low 80s, and today it's been in the low 60s all day (sometimes below 60). I know that's considered a normal heart rate.
But I'm concerned about what happens when I go to sleep. How low is it going to go then? I'm actually afraid to go to sleep because of it.

30-06-23, 21:07
Not a doctor - but my mom has been on this forever and so I know from her that one of the things it does is lower your heart rate. She said her heart rate rarely gets above the 80s and can get into the 50s when she sleeps, but her doctor says this is normal when on that drug. You could call your doctor just to check, but I think it's a common effect of the drug.

01-07-23, 09:33
Typically with low heart rate it’s not an issue unless you’re symptomatic. During sleep it’s not really alarming unless it gets exceedingly low. I have normally a low heart rate and I was put on a beta blocker as well. Mine has been down as low as 38 while sleeping. Before being on the Beta Blocker, mine was in the mid forties during the night. I had a halter monitor at one point and it had readings in the mid forties and that was never even brought up by my doctor. Basically I wouldn’t put too much worry into it.

01-07-23, 17:58
Not a doctor - but my mom has been on this forever and so I know from her that one of the things it does is lower your heart rate. She said her heart rate rarely gets above the 80s and can get into the 50s when she sleeps, but her doctor says this is normal when on that drug. You could call your doctor just to check, but I think it's a common effect of the drug.

Typically with low heart rate it’s not an issue unless you’re symptomatic. During sleep it’s not really alarming unless it gets exceedingly low. I have normally a low heart rate and I was put on a beta blocker as well. Mine has been down as low as 38 while sleeping. Before being on the Beta Blocker, mine was in the mid forties during the night. I had a halter monitor at one point and it had readings in the mid forties and that was never even brought up by my doctor. Basically I wouldn’t put too much worry into it.

Thank you both! That put my mind at ease a bit. I'm going to be hyper vigilant about this for a few more days, but I find myself worrying about it less each day. I can't comment yet on the heart rate while sleeping, as they are making me sleep very poorly. So it tends to stay in the 60s while sleeping. I think part of that is because I'm anxious to go to sleep. But I'm sure one day my body will be too tired to care and just fall asleep early anyway.
It hasn't dropped below the 60s much in the past few days. Every now and then it goes high 50s, but for the most part in the 60s. And I feel absolutely fine on them. I even feel like I have more energy on them. So I hope I can stop worrying about this soon.

02-07-23, 23:09
I’m on a beta blocker and have been for 4 years now. My hr prior to beta blockers testing would be in the 90s now I’m between 50-60bpm. However when I diet or exercise hard it’s around 45-50bpm. As long as you aren’t symptomatic you’ll be fine. They are doing their job. Lots of people have a hr in the 50s at rest don’t worry

03-07-23, 11:34
Thank you! I really needed to read that 🤗

08-08-23, 19:43
I’m on a beta blocker and have been for 4 years now. My hr prior to beta blockers testing would be in the 90s now I’m between 50-60bpm. However when I diet or exercise hard it’s around 45-50bpm. As long as you aren’t symptomatic you’ll be fine. They are doing their job. Lots of people have a hr in the 50s at rest don’t worry

I've just started this in the last few days my heart rate is generally about 60-64, so I am worried about this - I'm on it for BP, headaches and anxiety - but I've read a few times on this thread "as long as you aren't symptomatic"......can you please tell me what being symptomatic would be? Thank you

08-08-23, 20:07
If you're like me and worried about stuff during sleep, there are plenty of good watches out there now that will track your heart rate during sleep. It'll cost ya, but peace of mind is priceless sometimes.

09-08-23, 11:48
I'm no longer worried about this! I've been on it for 1,5 months now, and I feel fine. My heart rate at night never drops below 50. It's still in the 50s quite often during the day. But now I'm concerned when it's in the 80s :roflmao:It's always something! I'd much rather it be in the 50s now

09-08-23, 11:48
I've just started this in the last few days my heart rate is generally about 60-64, so I am worried about this - I'm on it for BP, headaches and anxiety - but I've read a few times on this thread "as long as you aren't symptomatic"......can you please tell me what being symptomatic would be? Thank you

Symptomatic would be dizzy or feeling faint.

09-08-23, 15:51
Trust your body. It's smart. It wants to stay alive. It's not going to let your heart rate fall to a dangerously low level just because you fall asleep. If it did, propranolol would literally be poison, and it's unlikely your doctor would casually proscribe you poison to calm you down a bit. ;)