View Full Version : ACK!! Thank goodness I am back!!

27-11-07, 23:19
I lost the link and my password and couldnt get on and it was a nightmare!

2 weeks ago I ended up in the ER with chest pains. They did bloodwork and it showed that one my my heart enzymes was elevated so I had to stay overnight and have a stress test in the morning. I passed the stress test ok so they sent me home.
Two hours later I was back because the pain was still there. The kept me in again and gave me a shot of heparin in the belly, lots of bloodwork and the next morning did a scan to see if I had a clot in my lungs. Everything was ok. So they did final bloodwork on me and it showed that my amylase level was raised which usually means pancreatitis. However I dont fit any of the causes for pancreatitis so it was confusing. I was sent home and told to remain on a liquid diet for four days and have my blood rechecked. By this time the pain had changed from my chest to around my belly button and under my right ribs. So I stayed on the liquids and the pain stayed. My levels had returned to normal but the pain was still there. So after abdominal xrays and an ultrasound to check my pancreas etc the pain is still there!!!!!!!!!
I am terrifed and really want to know what is going on but my doctor isnt concerned. Pancreatitis can be very serious and I did WAY too much googling on it so I have been freaking out ever since! I really dont know how to relax and just trust the fact that the doctors are right etc.

28-11-07, 16:12
Anybody? Undiagnosed tummy pains or pancreas problems?

29-11-07, 23:53
Hi Alison

I often get really bad tummy pains and can sometimes be doubled over with them. I have been to the doctors etc and they don't seem to be concerned.
Try not too worry hun (easier said than done). I;m sure the doctors would have picked anything really sinister up.

Take care
X Tracy