View Full Version : Bowel cancer screening

02-07-23, 14:26
OK well I've had a letter inviting me to provide a 'sample' as part of routine screening. The first time for me and while I recognise its the NHS keeping ahead of the game, my anxiety isn't listening. I've done really well with HA over the last few years but this has blown that progress out of the water.

I could of course not take part, but that would be irresponsible. I dare not even contemplate the possibility of being called in for a colonoscopy. Meanwhile life has to carry on as normal.

02-07-23, 15:09
Wishing you the best, Fishman. You probably remember, but my husband got called back last year and I nearly had a full-on breakdown. In the end, though, some polyps were removed and all was well.

02-07-23, 15:18
I have just been through the exact same thing and, like you, almost contemplated not taking part but knew that would be irresponsible, especially since my dad died of bowel cancer when he was not much older than I am now. I sent the sample off last Saturday and got the letter saying "no further testing needed" exactly 1 week later, so quicker than the 2 weeks they say. I was in bits waiting for the result and jumped everytime I saw the postman! The relief to get the all clear was enormous and I'm now so glad I conquered my fear and did it.

I have also recently been invited for a smear test & a mammogram so will have to go through the anxiety all over again. It's great to be offered all this screening, but not so great when you have health anxiety 😕

02-07-23, 16:43
Oh and 98% of people don't need further tests, not that it helped me while waiting as obviously I was worried I'd be in the 2%!!!

02-07-23, 16:56
I do remember that BI and recall how badly you were affected :hugs: I trust Hubby is still doing well? Mrs F has had these kinds of procedure for years having crohns disease since 2000. I've not so much as spent a night in hospital unless we include the birth of our youngest who is now 24.

But I suppose this is it now, I was 58 a few days ago and knocking on.

That's great news Dobbiedoo!! I'm very pleased for you :hugs:

02-07-23, 17:01
Oh and 98% of people don't need further tests, not that it helped me while waiting as obviously I was worried I'd be in the 2%!!!Yes I read that too Dobbiedoo. I do have intermittent haemorrhoids that can increase your chances of being recalled apparently. But there you go, it is what it is, as they say now.

02-07-23, 20:50
I have been participating in the routine testing for years now and had one colonoscopy during which they removed a couple of polyps which is no big deal.
The idea of the testing is to detect things before they get serious.
It's to your benefit to take the test no one else's.
The choice of course is yours but I'd do it.

05-07-23, 17:35
I have been participating in the routine testing for years now and had one colonoscopy during which they removed a couple of polyps which is no big deal.
The idea of the testing is to detect things before they get serious.
It's to your benefit to take the test no one else's.
The choice of course is yours but I'd do it.Thank you Phill that's helpful to know. Yes I shall do the test but I'm really paying for it in anxiety terms. I think to not do it though would be worse.

17-07-23, 14:31
'No further tests are needed at this time'. It came this morning.

17-07-23, 14:47
'No further tests are needed at this time'. It came this morning.

Great news :)

17-07-23, 15:56
That's great!

17-07-23, 19:21
Thank you guys, its a relief would be an understatement. Though with my Dad in hospital he's been providing a distraction. I'd got back from taking our black lab for her walk, then saw that blue NHS logo on the doormat. The anxiety went from 0 to 100mph and I was talking out loud to myself 'don't panic'. The joys of getting older.

17-07-23, 20:40
Great news, we’ll done for doing it.

18-07-23, 19:21
Great news, we’ll done for doing it.Thank you Scass

18-07-23, 19:39
Great news fishman :yesyes:

19-07-23, 10:08
Great news! I'm turning 50 this year so will get my birthday pack in the mail :roflmao:. I'll be the same...that anxious wait for the all clear. At least bowel cancer tends to be slow growing so it's good to have the screening to pick things up nice and early.