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View Full Version : heart burn ur is it

miss motown
28-11-07, 00:26
hi ive been getting quite alot of heart burn something i dont really suffer with well for those who that no me and my fear over heart fears im getting quite worried as i work in the gp out of hours and a few months back a young man came in straight from work and he was saying he,d had heart burn all day and had been getting it for some time,well the thing is he clapsed infront of me and a few others and he went into acardiac arrest he later died in a&e and ive never quite got over that so now i have this heartburn which goes into my back im thinking back to that poor lad and whot his last words were to us is that he.d been suffering wot he,d thought was heartburn ooooo im so worried as its now gone midnight and ive got it really bad its bringing on panic after panic and i just wish it was morning so i can go and see my gp grrrr why does this happen at night (HELP)

28-11-07, 00:40
I am sorry that you had that experience. Chances are it is heartburn or even just panic. If things get worse or you have shortness of breath etc I would get looked at but in the meantime see if there is anything at all you can do to take your mind of it.
I know that is easier said than done. Let me know if I can help

28-11-07, 13:41
I am sure it is just heart burn, have you taken anything to relieve it try gaviscon. I would just go to the docs to put your mind at rest ,the what if factor is not helpfull. Take care:flowers:

28-11-07, 15:34
I bet you know deep down you have heart burn but of course you are worried after that experiance (who wouldnt be).
I have been with someone who had a heart attack and she didnt say she had heart burn, dont think its a common symptom.
I hope your feeling better now and have seen a gp now ?