View Full Version : HIV concern

04-07-23, 21:40
Hello again,

I am here due to two recent sexual encounters I had and now am terrified I have HIV. So 6 days ago, I had the first encounter, the guy performed oral on me, and we made out, and he did touch the tip of my privates (I don’t know how graphic I’m allowed to be), but you know what I mean, neither of us finished and that was that but we did cuddle naked as well. The other incident was two days ago, and the guy only performed oral on me, I tried oral on him for like 2 seconds and then stopped, and I think he had had some pre*** because some of it came out when I removed my mouth. Anyway, we ended up rubbing our privates together and he finished on me, but I moved my penis over so it wouldn’t be on the tip, though I’m worried some of his got on mine. Anyway, my concern is because yesterday I started feeling like I was hot internally, like my breath was hot (and still is), but I can’t tell if I have a fever. Also, my head feels a little floaty/headache. And from time to time my arms ache/feel tight as well but I can’t tell if that’s from my tension or not.

This concern has been consuming me since the first encounter. :weep: Both of them said they didn’t have anything, but I’m just not convinced at all. There was no anal sex, in either encounter. Not sure if that helps my case or not, but just thought I’d mention that. I just don’t want this to progress any further and cement my mindset even further. And yes, I am a gay male. This was my first sexual encounters in 5 years as well. I do fully plan to get tested, but I won’t be able to really have an accurate result until, I wait a little bit longer obviously.

05-07-23, 11:22
I woke up this morning feeling like I have the chills now ��