View Full Version : The most ridiculous fear ever--famouz people :D

28-11-07, 02:10
So maybe it's not THE most ridiculous fear, I'm sure I'll develop another one about plastic bottles or something. I've been afraid of some doozies, but this one is a kicker. I am actually afraid of meeting someone famous because I'll panic.

Now hear me out--I actually had one. I was waiting in the back of the concert hall for the American Idol concert by the buses, waiting for someone to come out and sign stuff. There was a bit of people there too and they had met them. Well, every time the bus doors opened and random workers and people came to and fro, my heart beat faster and faster. I was getting riled up by just the shadow of someone coming near. Well it got to be so bad that I had a honkin' ectopic that felt like I got sucker punched from the inside due to all the adrenaline that I had in me. Enter panic, run back to the car and drive away. I did go to the concert (yes, I was incredibly anxious and thought I wouldn't make it but once it started I was fine).

Now you think that this would not matter since the everyday person doesn't really run into so-called 'famous' people but I want to be a screenwriter, and I'm in a school in which there happens to be one that drops by from time to time. So even if it's not a singer or an actor, it could be a well-known director or producer. Just thinking about meeting someone in a meeting to discuss a script or pitch just makes my stomach turn.

Now I know I'm totally getting ahead of myself but I want to be able to get to whatever concert I want to go to next, wait for the buses and actually snag an autograph without fainting or running away. Not to mention the whole scriptwriting thing, if any of mine ever sell. (HA!)

I don't put famous people on a pedestal or anything or worship them, but I am a bit of a fangirl when it comes to some groups/actors. I know they're just regular people like you and me. When my teacher joked that there was a special speaker later on that day and it was Mel Gibson to come and talk to us my heart practically stopped. With the connections some of my teachers have it wouldn't be so far-fetched. XD You get the general idea after that.

28-11-07, 02:46
Hello phoenix,

I want to be a screenwriter, and I'm in a school in which there happens to be one that drops by from time to time.

You get anxious because you only see one from "time to time" but once you're a screenwriter, you'll be working with them "All of the time" and you'd get used to them as just being people you work with.

We get anxious about things we're not used to but when they become the norm, we think nothing of it.

If someone with anxiety were to go shopping in a big city they'd never shopped in, they could feel anxious but if they went there every day, eventually they'd get used to shopping there.

It's a pity you didn't get your autograph but I'm sure you'll learn from the experience and so know how to cope to get your autograph next time!:winks:

01-12-07, 02:33
Thanks for the advice Bill, as always you say the most helpful things. :hugs:It makes total sense. And I can see that once I get past that initial "Oh my gosh, it's YOU!", it'll just be like working with any old person that I'm used to working with. And I suppose it is normal to be nervous in situations like these. I remember reading somewhere that the guy who played Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars was so nervous in meeting his co-star that he threw up. :D

And next time I'll definetly prepare myself better so that I can handle it--I really, really want an autograph! :D

02-12-07, 02:45
Hello phoenix,

I think Anakins reaction was the same reaction any bloke has when they ask a gorgeous woman out for the first time! Amazing what women can do!:)

I met a famous football star (soccer star to you!:D ) once. All I could think of to ask was "Are you.....?" When he said yes, I was stumped! Just couldn't think of another word to say except...great! He must have thought me a right plonker!

You'd have loved a place I used to work. The office on the floor above was an acting agency so you used to see the famous film/TV stars. Some I spoke to and were really nice people. Some wore disguises! They were more afraid of being recognised than I was of speaking to them! You'd have loved it!:winks: