View Full Version : Anxiety, urge to pee, bladder problems.

07-07-23, 13:17
I feel like, at nearly 40, I shouldn't be on here and should be dealing with things, but here I am.
For the last couple of months, I've experienced reasonably high levels of stress with trying to find a new job, interviews, starting new job etc...

With it, came severe muscle tension and intrusive thoughts on and off during that time.

My stress levels have reduced as I've settled into my job. The Muscle Tension has improved due to physio and exercise, but I'm now dealing with something else that consumes my every waking moment.

Last week, I went to my latest physio appointment straight from work. I needed a pee before going but didn't have time, so i drove there for 45 minutes, had my session and drove home. Having a pee 2.1/2 hours later than I should have.

I have done this many times before and I've been worrying for a week that I've done untold damage to my bladder because of it. I've been having flash backs to other times this has happened - it's weird that I remember them.
I'm now experiencing the urge to pee feeling that comes with anxiety - i feel like I need to go more often and sometimes, there's very little there. I can't shift it (although it kind of disappears when I go for a walk). I seem to sleep OK for 6/7 hours.

Am I alone in doing this? Delaying going for a pee, when I'm in the middle of something or driving a fair distance? Back in the day when I used to go on nights out, I would be a few pints in before I really needed to pee which drew comments from my mate who had to go many, many times. These times seem to have stuck with me. I've always thought I had a strong bladder, but I'm worried that all I've been doing is stressing it to an irreparable point.

Obviously, I'm not looking for medical advice, I just wanted to know if I'm alone in this? I feel like a complete loser; pathetic and weak because of how I'm thinking and feeling right now. I've been managing my anxiety pretty well to be honest but I'm consumed.

08-07-23, 20:14
I wrote virtually the same post 5 years ago.

08-07-23, 22:23
I don't think this is unusual in the slightest. Do the same thing myself when I'm anxious and as you say you want to pee and when you do there's very little to show for it.

Don't forget, the urge to pee (or worse) is an anxiety response. When you are stressed your nervous system goes into overdrive and speeds up all the normal muscle responses - such as your bladder which is telling you it wants to go even when there is nothing to go for.

If it of any reassurance, my mother who is 90 has done the same as you all her life - busy woman on permanent stress setting going for hours at a time 'holding herself' as she puts it and her b;adder has not let her down or done any damage. When you are busy or distracted you don't think about it and your mind is on other matters. You are just versed in bladder control!

09-07-23, 10:20
I used to be terrible for holding myself. Now I just have to go! It's not ideal to hold urine in so try to get out of that habit. Urgency to pee is also a common anxiety symptom or thinking you need a pee.
Well done, by the way on managing and improving your anxiety and the new job. :yesyes:

09-07-23, 10:49
I don't think this is unusual in the slightest. Do the same thing myself when I'm anxious and as you say you want to pee and when you do there's very little to show for it.

Don't forget, the urge to pee (or worse) is an anxiety response. When you are stressed your nervous system goes into overdrive and speeds up all the normal muscle responses - such as your bladder which is telling you it wants to go even when there is nothing to go for.

If it of any reassurance, my mother who is 90 has done the same as you all her life - busy woman on permanent stress setting going for hours at a time 'holding herself' as she puts it and her b;adder has not let her down or done any damage. When you are busy or distracted you don't think about it and your mind is on other matters. You are just versed in bladder control!

I used to be terrible for holding myself. Now I just have to go! It's not ideal to hold urine in so try to get out of that habit. Urgency to pee is also a common anxiety symptom or thinking you need a pee.
Well done, by the way on managing and improving your anxiety and the new job. :yesyes:

Thank you both for your replies.
I think I've always had this issue ever since I wet myself at 6 years old because i was too scared to ask to goto the toilet.
As a man, I have to shake it when I'm done and sometimes, im not done if you get what I mean.

09-07-23, 14:14
Strangely I was too shy to ask to go to the loo as a child with the obvious same result.
I suppose we have to do the inner child talk and be adult like in what is better for us.
Now I go before going out whether I need to or not and make sure I know where there are toilets when I do go out. Makes life a lot more easier.

09-07-23, 14:57
I was working from home for 3 years since Covid started and these issues, I guess, became almost non existent. I was relaxed in my own space. Anxiety was still present but I don't think this particular thing was.

Since I've returned to an office again, I have a slight nervousness about going to the toilet.

My biggest fear is that I have permanently damaged my bladder and connecting bits and bobs. For some reason, I picture the bladder being like a delicate baloon.
The rational side of me thinks its down to tension and perhaps a pelvic floor issue. The HA demon suggests words like "ruptured" and tells me I've probably got some sort of Prostate problem.

09-07-23, 17:18
Paul I think you have hit the nail on the head when you mentioned pelvic floor. Stress causes muscle tension and often the muscles involved are the pelvic floor ones. When they are tight, they are often weak and cause a variety of symptoms, often including urinary ones. I have had similar problems when stressed and have found help with following exercises from YouTube, particularly those demonstrated by “dr Bri” . I think her channel used to be called “femfusion” but she may well have changed that title as she strongly emphasises that both men and women suffer with pelvic floor problems caused by stress.
The exercises don’t cause immediate relief , but really improve symptoms with practice. It may be worth you checking out YouTube to see if it makes sense to you with your symptoms.
Best wishes,

09-07-23, 18:14
Paul I think you have hit the nail on the head when you mentioned pelvic floor. Stress causes muscle tension and often the muscles involved are the pelvic floor ones. When they are tight, they are often weak and cause a variety of symptoms, often including urinary ones. I have had similar problems when stressed and have found help with following exercises from YouTube, particularly those demonstrated by “dr Bri” . I think her channel used to be called “femfusion” but she may well have changed that title as she strongly emphasises that both men and women suffer with pelvic floor problems caused by stress.
The exercises don’t cause immediate relief , but really improve symptoms with practice. It may be worth you checking out YouTube to see if it makes sense to you with your symptoms.
Best wishes,

Ruth, I really appreciate this information. I will take a look at channel on YouTube.
I have some of the symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction so hopefully I can get some benefit.

12-07-23, 19:22
I had a GP appointment this morning and she took a urine sample. It was clear on the Dip test and has been sent to the lab for further tests. She thinks it's unlikely to come back with anything and said nothing I said to her "screamed infection"

She took my vitals, all fine.
She did the abdomen checks and all was fine.
She checked my penis and testicles and all was fine.

Obviously, pleased with all that. Now have this tension feeling still around the genital area and lower abdomen.

Because I've had that urge to pee feeling - worried I might wet myself - I think I've been tensing my pee sphincter and it feels tired now. I've also found myself "bearing down" into my chair at work.

Does this make sense?

12-07-23, 20:58
I am thinking you and I both have had numerous tests and all came back normal. (which is good and bad). Good as nothing sinister. But bad, in that no silver bullet to get relief. At that point, I would like to think anxiety is causing you and I to be tense - which in turn is exacerbating maybe what are minor urinary symptoms because we are so hyper-focused on them ??

12-07-23, 21:13
My main concern is talking myself into me having Interstitial Cystitis - which I have been told by my PCP is Highly Unlikely , and per Urologist P.A. - that my symptoms do not match the profile. That there is more bladder pain involved, (not just a urge to pee discomfort) and that it can lead you to going to the bathroom 20,30-40 times a day. I just am really discouraged by the feeling of the discomfort for long periods of time. It is taxing on my daily activities.

15-07-23, 18:41
So low. Could really do with someone to talk to.