View Full Version : Was Just Diagnosed with Unruptured Brain Aneurysm...

07-07-23, 16:58
This is my first time being here so thanks for clicking and reading, i'll try to keep this short!

I am a 25 year old male, 175 pounds in decent shape. When I was around 10 I was in a pretty serious car crash that did some damage to my head so I've had headaches and migraines my entire life since then. A few days ago I had this headache that wouldn't go away so I went to ER to get some Toradol (it's a great medicine for headaches and always clears me up). Upon arriving, the ER doctor wanted to do a CTA scan which I didn't want to do because I just had a CT and MRI done about 2-3 years ago that came up clear so I thought it'd be pointless. He comes back a bit later saying they found something that looks like a brain aneurysm. I was honestly shocked. He then said he wanted to get the neurologist opinion on it before ordering a spinal tap because I guess that can tell you more about the aneurysm? About an hour goes by and he comes back with good news, saying the neurologist says it's extremely small and that he just wants to see me in person and will most likely go with the 'watch and wait' approach to this. My appointment is July 13 (in 6 days) with him.

I'm writing this in hopes someone else has maybe gone through a similar experience and could help me calm down. I've had health anxiety for a long time now and just knowing that there is a ticking time bomb in my head that could go off any minute and kill me does not sit well with me. I have neck pain and head pain now and I keep thinking it's the aneurysm getting ready to pop. I wouldn't be so concerned with it if I didn't have a 4 year old daughter at home.. I need to be here for her.

If you have had a similar story or know someone who has, I'd love to hear it. Thank you for reading!

10-07-23, 07:40
Hello, i’m not going through anything similar. I just want to let you know that medicine today is really advanced so don’t feel hopeless. Some people go their whole life without even knowing they have an aneurysm. The fact that your aneurysm is pretty small is a good thing. It was discovered which is great. You’re going to follow up with the neurologist you’re going to be in good hands. I know kids make a stink of everything but just know that you’re going to be taking care of it nowadays there’s so many medical procedures that can’t be done [emoji3531] I know it can be scary but now you know versus not knowing. Do they think it could be due to the car accident?

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