View Full Version : Father in hospital with pneumonia v worried

07-07-23, 17:46
My father was admitted to hospital yesterday and has been there overnight as has been diagnosed with pneumonia. He had a fall 2 days earlier and banged his ribs up which I suspect has caused pulmonary contusion (I looked it up) - paramedics did check him over at the time and tested everything and said he was OK and did not need to go in to hospital but now he appears to have developed infection.

He is currently being treated with antibiotics and has a nasal tube to stimulate oxygen levels, but I am concerned at the barraging of the medical staff wanting to put a DNAR order on him. They have said that the antibiotics make take a few days to kick in and that they are monitoring him, he is eating a drinking which is apparently a good sign, but due to his age (91) I feel as if the medics are hovering in vulture mode over the aforementioned order..... struggling to stay positive at the moment and support my mother who has not left his side and is watching the medics like a hawk.

Just wondering if anyone else has had similar experience with an elderly parent in this situation.

07-07-23, 18:30
My mother was in hospital with pneumonia in December last year. It was treated with IV antibiotics and oxygen and she pulled through it. She was 94. I should say she IS 94. Let them do their stuff at the hospital. BTW hers was discovered after a fall but I think it was starting before then.
She was asked if she wanted a DNR. It was entirely her choice and she said yes. It was a shock when we were told but it’s ultimately her own decision.
He’s in the best place so try not to worry… difficult I know.

07-07-23, 19:41
Its a very worrying time for you dorabella :hugs: My Dad has had a DNR on him since March 2020 when he was in hospital for surgery to a bowel infection. It still stands. He'll be 94 in September.

07-07-23, 19:57
Thank you Darksky and Fishman for the encouragement. Thought I was the only one with nonogenerian parents.....

These DNAR orders are pernicious - when he fractured his hip in 2021 same things and again last summer when he tested positive for Covid. Have tried to get his GP to remove the order from his records but no joy ... any time he gets near a hospital the doctors are at it almost immediately. Would help if they tried to encourage positivity instead of trotting out the doom mongering. Was told an all occasions that even if my dad forbade the DNAR (which he, my mother and I always do) that in the end it 'will be the doctor's decision'! Since when have they been allowed to play the Almighty?? In 2021 my mother had to fight off 7 doctors who tried to force it on my dad .... and even when he pulled through after surgery one of the junior doctors was still at it. Makes me angry.

Just trying to stay positive.

08-07-23, 19:11
Have just had a call from a very nice doctor at the hospital (at my mum's request) to update me on my dad's current condition.

Too early to tell whether the antibiotics and oxygen are making improvement, but did learn that he has double pneumonia. On account of his age and heart condition (he had a HA 10 years ago but has been fine in the intervening years) the doctor explained that he will be quite weakened if he gets through it. The only positives I took from what he said are that my dad is eating and drinking OK, not complaining of any pain, and his severity 'markers' on the infection were quite low. Not really sure what to think at the moment, trying to be positive and hoping that the doctors do their best by him.