View Full Version : Deja Vu Query?

10-07-23, 21:01
Hi, so just a question about deja vu, how often people have it and when it's a concern. I notice an increase when I'm in an anxious phase but I'm out the other side (almost). My son said something to me about a story we listen to every night and I'm SO certain he asked me same question last night. I didn't even picture same location, I am adamant he was lying next to me in bed the other end (where he fell asleep last night). He said he didn't but he is 5 and was almost asleep.

I'm also panicking in case it is deja vu as it feels so sure. I also saw a photo for something that I'm sure is deja vu.

10-07-23, 22:41
From what I know about my nephew who is about the same age, it is very, very possible he did ask you the same question last night. My nephew asks questions repeatedly, it's just part of growing up. He'll even ask questions that he knows the answer to!

Deja vu is also super common and I don't think it's ever of any particular concern. You'd be hard pressed to find people who don't experience it, I think.

I know you have a lot of concerns - but I think the real culprit here is that your anxiety is twisting normal human things into serious concerns. Anxiety is incredibly efficient at that. Are you able to develop any concrete next steps toward addressing your anxieties?

10-07-23, 23:54
I used to get deja vu all the time. It's extremely common and tends to happen less often as we age. I'm nearly 40 now it doesn't happen as often to me as it used to. I got it all the time as a child and young adult. I actually rather miss it as it's quite an interesting experience.

11-07-23, 08:14
Not quite sure if it's 'deja vu' per se, but I have visited a few places over my lifetime that have by sheer coincidence reminded me of certain other places I had previously visited before, or possibly even dreamed about, whether it's just one particular room in the premises, or an entire site, street, or even a town/city.

On a similar note, I often have recurring dreams, both good and not-so-good.

11-07-23, 11:50
What exactly are you concerned about? Why do you think having Deja Vu is a concern?

11-07-23, 16:21
Symptom of alzhimers or epilepsy I've read.

I'm now very panicked because I've lost a bath towel and have vague memory if throwing it away a few days ago but cannot place it at all. I live in a small apartment and looked everywhere. It's one I use all the time. Not in washing machine or drying or in clothes pile.

I think this is solid proof I have memory loss.