View Full Version : Anyone else get panic attacks during their sleep?

12-07-23, 02:53
Just curious if any other have experienced this newly acquired sensation that I get the pleasure of experiencing. I’m assuming they are panic attacks. Though if you check a few recents posts I’m also assuming they are some irrational things as well.

I’ve never experienced this until a few weeks ago. Always would I have my panic attacks during the day. When I feel anxious during the day now I can pretty much control a panic attack. Though I can’t control the hypochondria yet.

Anyway as I said, no more panic during the day, only at night. I wake up to a fast heart rate. Usually about two to three hours after falling asleep. It’s starting to happen more frequently now as well. Not to brag or anything. Usually it comes on around 1-4 am. Basically I wake up like I’m going to the bathroom and my hearts racing. Usually I take a Xanax and do what I can to calm down. I eventually fall back asleep and have no problems.

12-07-23, 21:57
I sometimes get them when I'm falling asleep .... just as I am about to nod off I wake up gasping in a panic. Passes off in a couple of minutes and then I fall asleep again.

In addition when I'm stressed have episodes of waking up at 3am or 4pm in the morning for no reason. I understand this is quite common and something to do with sleep cycles.

12-07-23, 22:24
Common anxiety symptom. Look at the links at the bottom of the page for related posts.


16-07-23, 00:45
I just find it odd that it only happens at night. I’m great during the day. No problems at all. At night I don’t even feel anxious either. Just usually happens one to three hours after falling asleep. It’s also becoming something that happens quite frequently. Almost every night now.

16-07-23, 01:37
When it happens it's always exactly half an hour after I fall asleep, I really don't know why but always half an hour. Racing heart and other strange feelings, sometimes I can't recognize a room first few seconds or I have a feeling that it's not me, like I don't know who I am, it's really scary. When it's hot I have a feeling that I can't breathe and that wakes me up, but that could be apnea too.

16-07-23, 03:08
Mine usually lasts for maybe 10 to 20 minutes. I just don’t understand why no.I keep thinking it’s an arrhythmia problem.

16-07-23, 04:05
Mine lasts maybe one minute, it's short but scary.

16-07-23, 10:18
I sometimes get them when I'm falling asleep .... just as I am about to nod off I wake up gasping in a panic. Passes off in a couple of minutes and then I fall asleep again.

In addition when I'm stressed have episodes of waking up at 3am or 4pm in the morning for no reason. I understand this is quite common and something to do with sleep cycles.

Ditto for me Dorabella.

For me personally I think it's still very much a habit stemming from both the height of the pandemic and when my mom was still living at home prior to the end of June 2022 when both me and my dad were constantly walking on eggshells not only to keep ourselves safe from the dreaded Covid but also to keep my mom safe from not only Covid but also all the other everyday hazards in general, and it's since been difficult to shake off, despite the fact that over the past year or so we've all generally been able to be more relaxed about all things Covid coupled (personally) with my mom living in a care home.

Old habits die hard, as the old saying goes!