View Full Version : Migraine aura/retinal migraine how to tell?

14-07-23, 23:48
i, I haven’t posted in over two years but today I had my first what I think was either a retinal migraine or migraine with aura while on holiday.

I’m now stressing because I know a retinal one is bad and if it’s felt in one eye it’s bad. Mine lasted around 10 minutes with no pain and was mainly in one eye but if I closed the one that felt effected I sort of still had the weird heat haze/ zig zagging vision in the other but not as bad.

I really freaked out and now I have a headache again but can’t see the doctor. I’ve alsYs been quite a headache person since I was a teenager(24 now) but I’ve been getting them a lot more recently which I was trying to be rational about and assume it was from my poor posture as they tend to also be in my neck and shoulders. I had a headache for the first two days of holiday until I took a paracetamol last night and fine all day so unsure why this has randomly happened.
Now I am panicking it’s something more sinister and I can’t get to the doctor until I’m home next Tuesday. Also afraid of flying incase jrs some kind of blood clot. My Nan had a stroke in her 30s and I’m terrified.

15-07-23, 05:05
Definitely a migraine aura, don't stress. They're scary but harmless.
This Wednesday I had two, one in the morning and one in the early evening, after which the headache hit.

You'll be fine.