View Full Version : Feeling of dread with tight chest

15-07-23, 16:47
I've had anxiety for about 20 years and it seems to change quite a bit.
Over the last 10 days, I haven't particularly felt anxious, but started to get these tight chest aches, especially left armpit area, under my left arm and tingling in my left fingers.
It freaked me out and I didn't know where that came from. I also randomly got sweaty, clammy flushes for a few minutes.

I knew I was reacting in an anxious way to those aches and making them worse, but I didn't know where they came from in the first place. That's what was making me more anxious!

I've been dealing with that for the last 10 years. Today, I've been getting feelings of dread and not looking forward to things. I get very nervous about planes and it feels like I'm about to get on one. It's an apprehensive, dread feeling. It's getting me quite down.

I'm not looking forward to taking the kids out tomorrow. I'm not looking to work on Monday and I always look forward to work. My job is fun.

I'm apprehensive about the evenings because my chest seems to be tighter then. I'm apprehensive about bedtime for the kids because they've been restless recently and I can't relax, waiting for them to cry or shout all night.

When I have these feelings of dread, my throat gets tight, my chest/arm/fingers tingle and ache more and I get sweaty.

I don't know how this started and I don't know how to stop it. I felt pretty much perfect 2 weeks ago, and then this came out of nowhere! I don't know how to break out of this routine now.

How do you deal with seemingly random bouts of anxiety?
How do you convince yourself it's anxiety and not actually a real problem this time?
How do you break out of a bad anxiety period?
