View Full Version : Don't know what to do - feels like hospital has given up on my geriatric dad

15-07-23, 17:01
I am beginning to despair of the treatment given to my dad since he landed in hospital a week ago. He spent 2 days in Acute Care before being transferred to a general medical ward (which seems to be a dumping ground for geriatric patients). My mum has been there with him for a week know ensuring that he gets medication and that he is eating and drinking and keeping him engaged. However,I have been called by 2 doctors who advised initially that my father was weakened by the pneumonia infection and it has weakened his heart. Last one I spoke to advised that the prognosis was for palliative care to manage his condition which wasn't immediate decline. Now we are getting diagnoses from different doctors that it could be a matter of weeks or even days.

Since the latter assessment done without re-examination or assessment there seems to be a marked lack of attention to him. His AV antibiotic has been removed as 'he no longer needs it', and the staff just keep saying 'let him sleep'. Now I understand that his regular medication has not been administered for a day now. My mum very concerned that no-one is paying attention and worried that they are withdrawing all meds contrary to our instructions - called me this morning in a bit of a state - and as it is the weekend there seems to be no consultant cover - just the nursing staff and we don't know who they are taking instruction from concerning his care. The Macmillan staff spoke to me yesterday about arranging his discharge to home palliative care on Monday but the way things are going I am beginning to wonder if he will make it that far.

Told my mum to stand her ground with them (she always does and fights for my dad) and insist that they explain what is going on and call in a doctor if necessary. Don't want my dad abandonded like this and don't want him to spend whatever time he has in the hospital. I might be mis-judging the hospital care regime but am getting a bad feeling about it.

Has anyone ever had to deal with a situation like this or any advice you could give on getting the situation resolved.