View Full Version : Was this a sign of impending heart attack?

16-07-23, 08:04
Bit of BG: 36 y/o, F, overweight. History of GAD & HA.
Mixed diet, some days good, some days bad. But go through periods of being VERY good and also very bad!
Lots of ECGs & blood work over the years and all fine. Echocardiogram 10 yrs ago and all good.
Recently started trying to up my exercise- more walking and this week have done 4 at home workouts of 20 mins each.

My anxiety in general has been very much under control for the last year or so. No panics around health and have felt really good.

However, I woke at around 4am this morning just to go to the toilet, got back into bed and my left arm started hurting - I do want to point out that this isn't rare as I do have nerve issues in this arm. The pain went from my shoulder to mid arm to wrist (not all at once) but then my gums started tingling and I felt sick!

Naturally, my brain went into "this is the female signs of a heart attack"

I sat up for a bit and the symptoms subsided.

No chest pain, no sweats, no back pain, no jaw pain.

Was this my first panic attack in years? Or should I be concerned this was a warning?