View Full Version : Health anxiety getting me down 😪

18-07-23, 12:18
Hiya, im new here, this is my first actual post. I actually search no more panic symptoms instead of typical google when im worried, which is the norm for me. Im 31, and suffered over half of my life with health anxiety. I have good/bad phases... The same with weeks, i can do a fairly good week keeping distracted and it feels one step forward but it only takes a small trigger to set me off then i feel 3 steps back, and thats pretty much every week! This past weekend and today anxiety is eating me up, i literally feel i cant do anything without being set off. I took my children to school then had a lovely walk to a reservoir, i come back and had a delivery, my bikinis for my holiday. Now i should be looking forward to my holiday but infact theirs dredd there. Basically i cant take my bra off in a mirror or i cant look at my breasts because i will find something and that will set me off. I cant take a bath/shower without a tshirt on, i also have to ask my partner to shave my armpits. So this week i decided to shave my own armpits yesterday and then at first all good then i decided to check there and get anxious, today i thought im gonna try my bikinis on, .... First one all good, second one i start scanning my breasts for changes then get anxious. My point being, im doing avoidance things to not get anxious but then when i try and do normal things, i get anxious. I cant win and its eating me up. Sorry for the long post.

18-07-23, 15:26
Welcome to NMP.
I hope you find some comfort on this Site.
Has there been a past trigger for you regarding Breast cancer? Too much media exposure, a friend or family member that has gone through breast cancer? It's obviously a big issue for you that prevents you from feeling relaxed with regards to this.