View Full Version : Chronic venous insufficiency

19-07-23, 21:07
I've not been on here in a while. This isn't quite so much my normal HA post, as this is about soemthing that I actaully seem to have that I'm not overly anxious about having, but I'm more anxious about what it means or could mean in the future. For a few years now I have been getting swollen ankles, especially when I sit down all day. It's got worse recently and I have also been getting heavy feeling legs that sometimes ache and ocassionally burning in my feet and lower legs. I also get cramps at night quite a lot. Obviusly I googled and came up with chronic venous insufficiency. I am not overweight but do have other risk factors, being female, having had three children, hsitory of leg injury, visible spider veins and history of vein issues in my family. The Dr thinks I probably do have some level of vein insufficiency altough this was only a telephone consultation not face to face. He said I need to keep active, try to take breaks from sitting and elevate my legs.

The thing is I am only 46. Although I have had crippling health anxiety on and off for my whole life, this is the first time I've ever had anything actually chronically wrong with me. I think more than anything it has affected my confidence. I see a lot of people on here saying 'how many times have you thought you had xyz and then you were wrong about it' but when I read that, I always think just by the law of averages, eventaully you will have something wrong. We all will! crossing the road safely every day is no guarantee you will never get hit by a car. So I suppose it's just made me really realise that I'm not always going to dodge those bullets that I am always so afraid of. And even though I knew that logically anyway, it feels very real to have something that even though it isn't that serious and there are much worse things, is never going to go away. I can mange it but I'm neevr going to not have it again. It's ironic that I feel that way about a circulation issue when in fact that's been true of my mental health for years. I manage that but it's also chronic. I don't beleive i will ever be anxity free.

Anyway, just wanted to write it down, as I hope someone else can realte. Thank you for reading this far!

31-07-23, 15:08
Hi Cattia! Have you seen your doctor face-to-face about this yet? I ask because I'm concerned about the same (42 years old). I have a desk job and sit for most of my day, and I have similar symptoms that started last June with back-to-back Charley horses at night (left leg first night/right leg second night). Ever since then my legs have just felt wrong, with my left leg bearing the brunt (right leg feels normal most of the time) but I'm not in any significant discomfort and I'm also missing some of the symptoms common to venous insufficiency (like pain that's worse when standing). I also started taking magnesium glycinate in case of a deficiency and have just kept plugging along. But yesterday after my shower I noticed red pinprick-sized dots on both shins so now I'm getting a little more worried.

16-08-23, 19:03
Hi Cattia, sorry,I know that this is an older thread but I could have written exactly what you did , only I have had this since I was in my 40 s and I am 80 this year. Sitting too long, heat and inflamed veins do it every time. Ankles and feet hugely swollen. Cramps in calves, Tightness and pain. I had my veins stripped in both legs in my 40,s but they have all come back. Depends on how my anxiety is at the time I either worry myself sick that it is heart related or on good days, just go for a walk and try to forget about it. I do wear support stockings when it is particularly bad. How are you both now?

17-08-23, 05:43
I have this in my legs and I'm 43. Just starting to show varicose veins. Went to a vein doc and they recommended doing an ablation but I am going to wait a few years. Apparently it is a low risk and curative procedure.

25-08-23, 19:58
Thanks for the replies. It's good to know I'm not alone! Balleybear, it's particularly reassuring to know that you have had this condition for so long! I am trying not to stress too much about it but I have good days and bad days, as with all symptoms I guess. I was thinking about visiting a vein specialist too.

01-09-23, 10:02
HI Cattia,
The Pauling method has helped me.. taking Lysine, Vitamin C and proline daily. Here's a link explaining the therapy. https://saveyourheart.com/clean-arteries