View Full Version : Breathlessness and anxiety bringing me back again

22-07-23, 18:33
Hi all,

Ive been a member of this site since i was 21 and it has honestly saved my sanity on multiple occasions. I suppose im posting now to ask for some help calming myself after feeling extremely anxious for the last week over some issues with breathlessness, chest pain and wheezing. This alongside a feeling of 'something is definitely wrong, you need to get help'. I will be going for a check up on Monday as I am asthmatic but what is really not helping is the heightened state of being; im jumpy, nervous, constantly body scanning myself to check im not going blue, hypervigilant and on the verge of tears. I was a heavy vaper and have decided to quit, but I fear its too late. Last week I was breathless, feeling dizzy and feverish after coming home from visiting friends (took a covid test which was negative) but it felt like how i felt when I had covid. Its not gotten better and i was idiot by continuing to vape through these symptoms. But i threw the nasty thing away Thursday and said no more because anxiety was through the roof and still is. I haven't slept well at all these last few days and Im so scared. Ive even taken to google which after years of being excellent at self talk and calming my worst fears, has got me feeling like a failure. I don't want to post my list of symptoms as I know it can trigger some people but the symptoms feel like a chest infection but with horrible anxiety thrown in.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated as im feeling so vulnerable and down right now.

24-07-23, 20:11
I’m having similar issues that I’m starting to wonder are form vaping I am also asthmatic. I thought I had a chest infection last week due to wheezing so went to the doctors but she couldn’t hear anything and just gave me a different inhaler. I do notice when I have been vaping a lot I developed a cough. I’m also wondering if my anxiety is made worse from vaping. I did some research and vaping can increase your pulse and blood pressure and also the nicotine rush you get from it is the release of adrenaline so I don’t think it’s helpful to anxiety sufferers tbh. I have been vaping no nicotine all day and have noticed a reduction in anxiety.

Strangely my dad has also just given up as he said he was getting so wheezing he couldn’t talk and he is generally fit and health and exercises a lot with a physical job.

25-07-23, 07:04
Definitely go and get checked. It could be an allergy flare up that’s made your asthma worse which then leads to panic.

29-07-23, 07:13
I have similar symptoms
to chest infection currently and totally run down so now have progressed to feelings of
not being able to breath too but sure it is my anxiety there 😳 i hate a life of constant fear and worry x just have a cold x